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Today was my last day in Georgia because well obviously I was moving to LA to go see my brother. Anyways..hi! I'm Alex Holder, I'm 19 and well very single. Anywho I finally got ready to leave and got to the airport and took a picture for Instagram


Caption: I can't wait to see my big brother!! <3Comments turned off

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Caption: I can't wait to see my big brother!! <3
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I don't like how I get hate all the time so that's why I usually turn my comments off, especially because of my brother's dumb best friend jaden hossler. He's super annoying and hella rude...actually both of us are rude. He's just a dumbass that ion wanna deal with.

Anyways, I finally got on the plane, sad thing it it was a 10 HOUR FLIGHT. Very VERY annoying

Time skip to after the flight:
The flight finally ended so I texted my brother that I was at the air port


lex💜: Hey brotha I'm at the airport

TayTay🫶🏻💅❤️: Alright I'll be there in a minute

lex💜: okay but DO NOT BRING JADEN

TayTay🫶🏻💅❤️: Okay Okay I'm on my way

Taylor finally got here and thank god he wasn't with Jaden because I don't know what I would've done. "Hey bitchhhh" Taylor said has he got out of his truck, I ran up to him and hugged him so tight "hey big brother. I missed you like crazy" I said speaking into his chest "I can tell but your crushing me" Taylor said "Oop sorry" I said giggling. "It's all good. Let's get you home". We got into Taylor's truck and drove to his place (well he lives at a place named 'the sway' so this place is a fucking mansion.

"Alrighty you ready to go inside" Taylor asked me "yea just don't wanna see your asshole of a friend" I said looking at the house, "he's not that bad anymore" Taylor said while getting out "uh-huh I'm sure" I said sarcastically. Taylor came over to the other side of his truck and opened the door for me, I thanked him and we went inside.

When we went inside i saw two guys playing what looked like Call of Duty: Black Ops ll. "Yo Anthony Kio come here" Taylor said to the Two guys on the couch "what's up" one of the 2 said while he was getting up "this is Alex, she's my younger sister, Alex this is Kio and Anthony" Taylor said pointing at the two "hi" I said putting my hand out signaling them to shake it, which they did.

So I've met all the people in the house, I've met Avani which is ants gf, Cynthia, Quinton that's Cynthia's bf, Bryce the inventor of the sway, griffin, Josh, Nessa joshes gf, the only person I haven't seen is Jaden. Well until....
Im so sorry for not posting, I should be online more often
Word count 488

Brothers Best Friend - jaden hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now