Alex is tayler holder's little sister but only by a couple of months. she hasn't ever gotten along with his best friend jaden, well until they fall for each other
"I'm bacckk" I heard someone say as he walked through the door I remember that voice I thought to myself. I walked downstairs to see Jaden and Taylor bro hugging. When Jaden looked up he saw me "wtf is your little sister doing here" Jaden asked "we're the same age dumbass" I said rolling my eyes. "I guess you grew up a lot though" Jaden said kind of harshly "and you still look as stupid as you did 5 years ago" I said has he flipped me off "yea yea fuck you too" I said walking to the kitchen "you would" he yelled "in your dreams"
While I was in the kitchen I decided to cook some food for myself and Josh (Josh had become my best friend since I've been here). As soon as I got done I heard Josh barge in "YOU MADE FOOD" Josh said excitedly "yes Josh I made food" I said smiling "OMG AND ITS MY FAVORITE" Josh said jumping up and down "yes yes now come eat" I said laughing "okay okay" he said laughing.
While Josh and I were eating Jaden and Taylor walked in "damn you didn't make us any" Taylor said crossing his arms "no because your allergic to this shit and I'd rather let him starve" I said "no I won't EVER touch your cooking cuz you probably poison the shit" Jaden said, I flipped him off and walked away "bitch wait for me" Josh said running up to me. I stopped walking "I'm going to go shower and get dressed" I said looking at Josh "ugh okay but come see me when you get done" "I will" and with that I walked away.
After I showered I got well halfway dressed and posted on my insta @Alexandra_thehottie
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Liked by joshrichards, brycehall, Taylorholder and 100.6k others Caption: feelin hella confident but def not wearing this outside lmao Comments Joshrichards: you look amazing bae!!! Alexandra_thehottie: thank you but ion think nessa would appreciate that ^^ nessabarret: you look hot don't even User23: you need to lose some weight Load more
Well I guess I only got one hate comment out of all the others. After I posted that photo I put on a pair of light blue ripped jeans. I walked downstairs to see Jaden Taylor and Josh "girrrllll you looked like fire" Josh said while hugging me "thank you" I said returning the hug. "My sister gained some confidence" Taylor said while smiling "Yeaa" I said looking at him. "Okay bitch let's go out side to the pool" Josh said grabbing my wrist "ugh finnee" I said following him.
Once we got out side I took a picture of him and posted it in my insta Alexandra_thehottie
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Liked by taylorholderr, kiocyrrr, nessabarret, joshrichards and 643.8K more nessabarret: my man Jadenhossler: he's def more fine Alexandra_thehottie: than who^^ Jadenhossler: me Load more
"Yk I love you right Allie" Josh said looking at me "Yeaa" I said confused "okay than please forgive me" "for" "this" and with that josh got up and threw me in the fucking pool "dick, but I forgive you" I said getting out of the pool "oh thank god you forgive me" josh said laughing "well I'm cold so lest go inside" "of course you are" Josh said laughing at me "shut the fuck up" I said walking into the house and flipping him off. "Umm Alex" I heard Tayler say "yea" "your shirt" "what about it" it's see through" turns out Tayler was right "shit!! Ok thank u I'm gunna go change now" I said running up stairs., and right when I get there guess who I see... Sorry for the cliffhanger Word count 617