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A/N: Hi everyone! Happy Valentine's Day, to those who celebrate it! I'm single (still) and back with another one-shot, I hope you all enjoy it! I had way too much fun with this particular one-shot!

With that out of the way, for this one-shot some warnings are: omegaverse (not super in depth), past Mpreg, misinformation.

He waited for the perfect moment to pounce as dark blue eyes locked in on their target. With a ferocious war cry, two bodies jumped on the bed, squealing. Underneath the sheets, a long moan was heard.

"Mommy! Mommy! Get up!" The excitement visible in the young blonde haired boy's voice as he bounced around the bed in uncontainable joy.

Another voice giggled, "Daddy's coming home today so you have to get uuuuup!" Two small hands attempted to throw the soft, orange blanket off of the blonde omega.

The said blonde groaned once again, but a smile showed on his soft, pink lips, "Alright, alright, I'm up!" Naruto rubbed his azure eyes to see the two six-year-old boys who pounced on his bed at an ungodly hour.

However, Naruto could understand their excitement. Sasuke was finally coming home today.

Naruto's strong, handsome, raven haired, alpha mate was coming back home today. After four long years. Sasuke was in the military, and he was finally coming back home. Today. Sure, he visited some times, but it's been so long. 

Naruto met Sasuke on the very first day of high school. The blonde and the raven were enemies, which turned into friends, which eventually turned into lovers. The omega will never forget the day of their graduation, the day they finally became mates.

Naruto picked the two boys off of his large bed, and set them down on the carpeted floor. "Now, how many times have I told you two not to jump on the bed?" Naruto gave them a firm 'Mommy is disappointed in you look'.

"You both are too old to jump on the bed, you're gonna break it one day!" Naruto let out a sigh.

"We're sorry mommy," The two trouble-makers had their heads down, and indeed looked sorry.

"Alright then, let's go wash up," Naruto pushed the raven and younger blonde to the bathroom next to his room.

After he and the two kids brushed and took a shower, Naruto made the bed, and walked down the hall which connected to the living room and from there, the kitchen. "What do guys want for breakfast?" Naruto mumbled to himself, and looked around in the cabinets. "Oh, also wake your sisters up," He smiled when the twins nodded and scurried off.

The short blonde put on his orange, toad apron, which still held many colorful stains from the previous times he's cooked. Naruto hummed to himself as he washed his hands, cracked eggs and toasted bread. He came to a sudden halt as he heard a loud screech echo through the house. Naruto's eyes widened, and didn't bother washing his hands once more or taking off his apron.

"MOMMYYY!!" A loud sob was heard in front of the bedroom door, and the blonde stopped sprinting.

Sighing to himself, he slowly opened the bedroom door to find Natsuki on her bed, her long blonde hair messy from sleep, and tears on the corners of her eyes. Menma and Ajitama, the twins were on each side of her, and in Memma's hand was Gamabunta. Gamabunta was the twin's grumpy pet toad. 

Naruto had a feeling that Gamabunta was getting fat because Aji kept feeding him too much. Yui was near the bed, a frown on her face, and her arms strictly crossed over her chest in a superior manner.

The omega let out another sigh at the sight. It was somewhat obvious what happened, but he thought it would be better to hear it from them. After he calmed down Natsuki. Naruto wiped his hands on his apron and stepped near the four-year-old to embrace her. 

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