• how to get to know someone •

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A/N: Howdy all! I'm kind of embarrassed with this one, hehe. I've decided to get out of my comfort zone and write a one-shot that takes place in the 1990s(???) -or this is just my way of saying I have no idea what I wrote but I hope you enjoy it!

I don't want to accidentally trigger somebody, so some warnings are: omegaverse (not super in depth), smut (albeit, really badly written smut).

The blonde downed the drink. He started to feel a bit woozy but didn't pay much mind to it. He lost his job today, and here he was drinking his life away. In reality, his boss fired him because he wasn't "more engaging to customers" and "too slow".  

The blonde knew the manager just wanted a good reason to fire him. Naruto worked at a grocery store. Fuck, he ran the goddamn cash register. The one that was always broken, because he and Ino played janken to see who gets the shitty register. He always lost. 

Today, that register got him fired.

"Fucking cash register." the blonde omega grumbled under his breath. He then signaled the bartender, a good friend of his, Gaara, to get him another shot of alcohol.

The yellow bar lights glowed across the blonde's pretty-looking face as he finished drinking his shot. Ugh. What was he going to do now? He lived alone, in a small, shabby, apartment in the bad, no -worst, part of town. He was pretty much broke before, but now? 

Homelessness didn't seem all that far away. Finishing up what he considered his last shot, Naruto stood up, wobbling a little.

"See you Gaara," Naruto waved over to the red-head, after paying for his shots. The bartender gave him a nod, and a small wave as 'bye'.

Naruto, shakily, walked over to the bar's exit. He wasn't over 21. 

He technically wasn't supposed to drink. That's why he came to this bar, it was hidden away in a sketchy alleyway, and nobody really noticed it. He was wearing tight jean shorts, long white socks, Dr. Martens, and of course, a worn-out, baggy orange shirt. 

The night was warm, as it was the middle of summer, and Naruto thought that he may as well appreciate the heated weather.

The blonde walked along the littered side-walk, only to stop at a park. The lamp lights flickered on and off. Naruto squinted his eyes to see a tall, handsome, dark-haired man; leaning on a red Harley bike. Just by looking at him, Naruto could tell he was an alpha, no scent needed. 

Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was because he just got fired, but Naruto really felt like getting laid tonight. So he would.

What's he got to lose? His virginity? Definitely not.

He mentally laughed at that.

The hot stranger was smoking, and while Naruto wasn't much of a smoker, only ever smoking a couple times when his friend Shikamaru offered; so he didn't mind sacrificing his lungs a little (especially if it meant getting laid by a hot alpha). 

Naruto walked over to the hot as fuck alpha, the drinks in his system giving him more courage than usual.

"Mind sharing?" Naruto spoke up. Now that he was closer, Naruto could see how much taller the other male was, the blonde literally had to look up. The man looked strangely familiar, but the blonde brushed that aside because dark hair and black eyes were a common trait in the area.

"I would offer you a cigarette," the raven started, then unexpectedly started smirking, "But you're already smoking hot." Naruto could feel his cheeks heating up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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