Chapter 22

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Another day of UA, and another upcoming class of Heroics. Everyone was a buzz, and looking forward to things. As excited as he was as well, though, Izuku had been unusually quiet. There had been a nagging feeling at the back of his mind. Almost an ominous feeling, and he wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

The only thing he knew for certain was it was probably connected to One for All. Based on his most recent "trips" inside the Quirk, and his continued discussion with the Vestiges of previous holders, he would apparently be gaining at least one, if not more, of the past Quirks soon, if he already hadn't.

His friends had of course shown concern over him, but he explained to everyone (sans Mairu) what was going on. They understood, and they were able to continue going about their school day. Today was another Heroics lesson, though this also caused it's own bit of concern for the day.

Primarily because All Might had been continuously stopped or called on his way to the school to assist other Heroes in issues that had arisen. It was especially egregious given the events of the previous day.

Nezu, as promised, had arranged for All Might to speak with the media about his position as a new teacher at UA. As planned, there was discussion that he was going to be cutting back on Hero work for two primary reasons: to help mold the next generation of Heroes and so society could prepare for his eventual retirement.

It had been a very emotional press conference, as All Might discussed at length his time as a Hero, how he enjoyed it, but reinforcing that he would not be there forever. He was still human, and it was better to prepare society and the other Heroes to be ready to pick up the slack. As it stood, they weren't ready for the removal of such a pillar and symbol, but it was better now when All Might would be able to step in when absolutely needed.

Unfortunately, it seemed some Heroes took this as a means to call him for literally every small situation they had. They even appeared desperate when they called for All Might's help. The majority of the problems they called All Might to fix was minuscule, and things the Heroes already on scene were more than capable of. There were a few issues that did call for a Hero such as All Might, though that was less than a handful of the dozens of calls he had received.

It was worsened by the fact that All Might would then have to privately chat with the Heroes that called him to resolve the lesser issues and chastise them. He did it as gently as he could, but it was still draining on his form to be out and about performing Heroics when he needed to save it for class.

As it stood, when he finally arrived at UA, he had been cut down to around half an hour, tops. He immediately went to speak to Nezu and stay out of the eye of the general populace of the school until it was time for the trip to the USJ.

He spoke with Nezu at length on how best to spend his remaining time in front of the class, which would be best to do start at the latter half of the lesson. They trusted Aizawa and Thirteen to be able to get things started, and the two had been updated on the situation.

"It may be time to introduce the Hero classes to this form, Yagi," Nezu was saying, as they continued their chat over tea. All Might sighed, as this wasn't the first time this subject had crossed his mind.

"You may be right," All Might replied, which piqued Nezu's curiosity. Before, All Might had been adamant about as little people knowing about this form as possible. "I would say we should probably wait until after the Sports Festival and Internships, though." At this Nezu hummed.

"Quite right," he stated. "They do have quite a bit on their plate, so waiting until then would be for the best."

They continued their chat, unaware of what was to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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