Chapter 2

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Five months had passed since the fateful day Izuku Midoriya had been able to talk to his favorite Hero, his role model, All Might. A lot had happened since that day. He had taken the Number One Hero's words to heart, and made necessary changes to not only prepare for becoming a Hero-in-training, but also to better his own life.

The first thing he did was tell his mother everything going on with him. About all of the bullying, the fact that the school did nothing about it. He even confided in her about how he had felt that day when all she could do was apologize to him. He did tell her that he had no ill will, and he understood her position. He had just wanted to be open to her about everything.

Needless to say, Izuku was quickly pulled out of Aldera Junior High, and transferred to another school nearby. It meant a slightly longer travel time for him, but both he and his mother were okay with it. He had heard a rumor shortly after he left that the school was being investigated thanks to an anonymous tip from an unnamed Pro Hero. Izuku wondered if maybe All Might had got the gears turning on that one.

In the meantime, the school he had transferred to had been a relieving change. His first day had gone so much better than he had ever hoped. And that mainly came down to his now two best friends. He had remembered the moment that helped rebuild his confidence fondly.


Izuku stood nervously in front of his new class. The students present looked at him expectantly, as the teacher had just welcomed him and asked him to introduce and tell the class a little about himself.

"Hi," he said, meekly. Then he took a deep breath, remembering what All Might told him about building up his confidence. "My name is Izuku Midoriya." The class welcomed him before he continued on. "I recently transferred from Aldera Junior High. I like...." he paused, as he considered how to approach his 'hobby'. Then, he figured, screw it. "I like to write about Heroes and Quirks in my notebooks. Kind of a Hero Analysis, and because I want to be a Hero. And my plan is to go to UA High." He expected ridicule from his new class, but they all seemed initially impressed. And then the question came.

"What's your Quirk?" A random student asked. It was the question he feared most, and he knew that the ridicule he had initially worried about when telling them he wanted to be a Hero would probably be two-fold. But, there was no hiding it.

"I...I don't have one. I'm Quirkless." There was a silence in the room, and you could almost hear a pin drop. But, at first, no one said anything. He found the courage to look up to see the faces of his new classmates. It gave him a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach, as he could practically hear the same thoughts of his former classmates. That was, until someone finally spoke.

"Trying to be a Hero without a Quirk," the boy, with black hair and shark-like teeth said, "that sounds super Manly! You've got to let me train with you some time!"

"Kirishima's right!" Another student responded, and Izuku took quick notice of due to her pink skin and hair, and the two horns growing out of her head. He couldn't help the thought that he needed to talk to her about her Quirk. "And you said you wrote about Quirks in your Hero Analysis. So you must know a lot about them, and can help you strategize against different Quirks. You must be super smart. You think you could help me with that stuff?"

Izuku smiled as the rest of the class seemed to agree with the two outspoken students. He was then quickly relieved to find out that he had been assigned to sit by them. He was in the desk just behind Kirishima, and to the right of the pink girl, who's name he quickly found out was Mina. He felt much better about this school than he had his last.

Flashback End

After that, he had indeed begun training. At first, a lot of it was pretty basic workouts that Kirishima had helped ease him in to, and calisthenics and cardio that Mina had joined him on. She also got him into dancing, and he started learning Capoeira. Of course, his main fighting style he had chosen to focus on was aikido and PPCT (Pressure Point and Control Tactics).

It was during one of Mina's suggested runs that he ended up passing by Dagobah Beach.  The sight of it turned his stomach, due to how much of a dump it had become over the years. With it, he had gained a new resolve, and began to clear the beach of the trash. This was partially because he wanted it restored to it's former glory, and because it would help with strength training. He had even let Kirishima and Mina know about it, and they joined him as part of their own workout routines.


Momo Yaoyorozu walked along the boardwalk, deep in thought. As a younger girl, she had come to Dagobah Beach often with her parents. Or, as often as they could muster in their busy lives, being the wealthy people they were. Of course, Momo's parents had always made sure to make time for their daughter.

As time went on, though, the beach had become a dumping ground, and lost it's allure to the Yaoyorozu family. It hurt Momo that she wouldn't be able to come here with her parents anymore, or, at least, what would have been the foreseeable future.

It hurt her even more that her father had been in talks with the city government about the beach. Not because of what her father planned on doing, but with how the government has treated his offer. He had, in no short terms, told the government that if they didn't find a way to clean the beach, he would purchase the land, have it cleaned by one of his multitude of crews, and then drop a bunch of beach houses and condos on it.

She knew the only reason he would place the beach houses and condos there were to achieve gains on his rather hefty purchase. And the government officials sat back and waited for his timetable to expire, because they knew they were going to make money. It sickened Momo to the point she was no longer paying attention to her surroundings, and accidentally bumped in to someone.

Whoever it was, they were definitely built well, as they barely moved while she ended up in the sitting position on the ground.

"I'm sorry!" the other person quickly spoke, helping Momo up. As she was being helped up, she got a good look at the other person. He was maybe an inch or two shorter than her when he was finally stood all the way up. He had green hair, and freckles. His face was so innocent looking, but there was strength behind him. And his emerald eyes were captivating. Momo blushed a little as she returned the apology.

"Oh, not at all," she said, politely. "I really should be paying attention to where I'm walking."

"But I shouldn't be doing my warm ups where people are walking," he said, shyly. Though, unknown to Momo, not as shyly as he would have five months ago. "Um, I'm Izuku Midoriya."

"Momo Yaoyorozu."

A/N: Apologies for the delay on this one as well. I can't tell you how tempted I was to turn this in to an IzuMina story due to his moving to her and Kirishima's school. But, I had the Momo thing already planned out, and I have enough IzuMina stories right now, not fair to those who ship IzuMomo. :D

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