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"But if I sit in the rain,maybe I can drown in something other than my own thoughts."


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    WHAT THE HELL? — was valerie's exact thought in that very moment,the woman that birthed her had said that they were moving to California.You might've thought the girl would be bouncing up and down like a kid in a candy store.But it was the opposite,valerie had just sat down when her mom suddenly decided to give her the breaking news.Was the woman trying to make her spill her orange juice?

"I know what you're thinking how are we going to afford that,you leave that up to me. .and grandma already knows,but she seemed a little off about the idea of moving to California but regardless,she agreed to go." Valerie took a sip of her beverage as her mom rambled on about why moving was good for them.

". . .And don't get me started on the house,it's beautiful and on the beach.I know that you like those sort of things."

valerie was a little surprised by the fact that her mom knew that,but she suddenly remembered it was Cyndi who took her every summer,since the girl was a baby. Growing up in New Jersey,she mostly spent her time in the ocean.

"When are we going?"valerie asked her mom, and Cyndi being the woman she is — dodged the question by changing the subject,Like she always did.She would be caught in a few seconds,her daughter has always been a smart girl.

"Have you eaten anything today?"The woman quickly stood up from the recliner,and walked into the kitchen to swiftly grab her phone that sat on the counter.She didn't try to keep it from her daughter,it's just valerie was quite dramatic sometimes.But it was two days from now. .not a big deal.

"You're changing the subject,Ma. . Just tell me,I'm fast at packing."The girl said softly, and cyndi watched as her daughter came into the kitchen with her cup of orange juice. valerie's brows were raised as she leaned against the counter and sat the cup down, quietly waiting for her mom to tell her when.

Cyndi couldn't say no to her daughter,not with valerie looking up at her.She just wanted to spill everything in her life to the girl in front of her,but this was her only child and there's some things she couldn't tell her yet.

"Two days. ."a smirk was thrown onto Valerie's face,and Cyndi could've sworn that a small huff of laughter came from her mouth. "What's so funny?"valerie was suddenly laughing while holding her stomach,and now Cyndi was the one who had her eyebrows lifted.But a smile was on her face regardless, seeing her daughter laugh would make a smile bloom onto her face any day.

"I'm sorry. ."She was holding herself up by gripping the counter with the strength she had left.The brunette girl's smile stayed on her face when her fit of laughter was gone but her hands were laying on the surface of the counter.Her eyes drifted towards the ground where it stayed until a thought crossed her mind,why were they moving anyways?". .You got a promotion?"valerie guessed as she tilted her head to the side,her smile never faltered as she was some-what happy that they were moving.And of course she was happy for her mom,the woman worked hard for what she wanted.

"Yeah. .and I know it's on sort notice but if it means I can take better care of you then I'll do it."Cyndi dipped her head down subtly,not letting her daughter see the tears that would come out if she looked into her eyes.Valerie nodded along to her mother's words,not noticing her strange movement.But when she did,she tried her best to comfort her.

"Hey. .Ma."She brought her hand to touch her mother's forearm,right below her elbow."It's okay. .If you want to move to California then we will."Valerie's words were genuine,not a tiny drop of sarcasm was laced in her voice.

A beat passed before arms were around Valerie's neck,and the scent of her mother's perfume smacked her in the face.It took a second before she wrapped her arms tightly around her mom's waist,savoring the hug because her mom wasn't the type of person who loved physical touch.

Unless it was her daughter. . .

But the girl didn't know that,not since her father had left.Cyndi had pushed her old self into a deep hole and began to fill it with dirt. five years since that day but it felt like it was only yesterday.Time passes you by in a matter of seconds and you only notice it when you're thinking of the past.

Valerie wanted to see the side of her mom that was there,but she was barely home — not that she was mad at her for doing her job.she just wanted the mom that would take her to the beach and surf with her for hours.Spend time with her for a little while until she went back to work because the little girl inside of valerie still wanted her mom.

The girl understood why cyndi didn't want to be there with her,it didn't take a genius to figure out that her mom was still grieving.But in the process,Cyndi was pushing away the only child she had,which told valerie that she shouldn't rely on someone who was merely a ghost in their own body.Was she even helping with the grief or was she just fueling the pain?was she making her mom feel more alone?

Valerie resemble her father with her brown eyes,it was one the features that she had inherited from him besides his brunette hair.If you would've seen them together — no doubt in the world would you recognize that they were father-daughter.The thought of valerie being the reason why her mother couldn't move forward only grew louder as the years passed by,and would only grow until Cyndi came back down to earth.Live in the present and not focus on the past because it will tear you apart,piece by piece.

Valerie pulled away from her mother's embrace slowly,and when their eyes caught each other's, she gave her mom the best smile she could manage.The girl didn't waste any time trying to make small talk,Val headed up to the room that wouldn't be hers in about two days and began to pack her belongings in an orderly manner.

The girl would forget about the orange juice that sat on the counter,which had been half full.

The leaves were falling off the trees,but they soon will grow back as the same colors that were once there.

"There's a void in my heart,screaming to come out.instead I sit with it because somehow in some way,it makes me still feel close to you."

In which a girl from New Jersey moves to California with her mom and grandma, hoping to find new beginnings.Will life begin to look up for the small family?or will tragedy follow them as the ghosts of the past start to appear into thin air?

WARNING:Violence,mentions of death, fighting,blood,underage drinking,Substance use,suicidal thoughts,mental illnesses,angst, etc.

DISCLAIMER:I do not own cobra Kai, karate kid or their plot but I do own my Oc's and the plot behind them.Please don't copy my work,I don't care if you use the ideas,just don't copy it word for word.if characters seem like they wouldn't do the things I write down,just know that I write them as if my own characters were involved. Some people have different perspectives and I think some characters in the show will do the things I'm going to write.Some of them might not,just know this is fiction.

Author's note:I keep on rewriting the introduction because I think my writing isn't hitting the right spot. I'm trying to get the right words to express what I'm trying to say and after reviewing everything,I have came to terms with this introduction and I think it's the right one.maybe.

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