~ Knitting ~

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Prompt: Dream knits stuff


~ Dreams POV ~

When I was young- maybe like 6 years old- I started learning to knit and sew. To be honest it was kinda nice, being able to make my family and friends stuff for their birthdays and Christmas. I once made my younger sister Corrie a unicorn sweater for her 7th birthday party, and she wore it until he grew out of it, which took about a year.
I then looked at my husband of a year, George Davison. I realised that I had never actually knitted or sewn him anything since we started dating 4 years ago.

"Love? Your staring at me. Are you ok?"

"Uh- mhm? Oh yeah! Fine thanks dear."

He smiled at me and shuffled along the couch to reach me, pulling me in a hug, leaning my back against his stomach.

"What's on your mind Hon?"

"Nothing really bubs. Would you- wanna like have.. matching sweaters or scarfs or something..?"

"Yeah, I think it'd be cool! Should we go to the store?"

"No I mean like.. I make them?"

"You knit and sew?"

"Yeah..? If you think it's stupid that's fine! I just thought it would be a good idea since I've never actually made you anything since we started dating and-"

"I'd love to have something matching with you. Especially if you made it."

I smiled at him softly, kissing his cheek and relaxing on his stomach. He giggled softly and kissed the top of my head.

"Do you have everything you need hon?"

"Yeah.. I'll start later, I'm just really tired right now."

"Ok love, sleep well.."


(269 words)

No idea why i suddenly have motivation- but sure!

Hope you enjoyed and if you have any suggestions their always welcome :D

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