chapter 25:

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Don't own anything

Just ocs

Author pov:

Akashiya sisters talking to each other.

Outer moka: i'm getting sleepy

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Outer moka: i'm getting sleepy

Inner moka: don't overwork yourself then

Outer moka: no help

Inner moka: ....

Outer moka: sorry

Two got in their dorms. They both cook their meals moslty for the pinkette & after that, she told her to go take a bath.

Inner moka: thanks to our future mother in law rias. She separated us with seperated bodies

Outer moka: not have to share a body together with tsukune & raziel

Inner moka: rias & derek warned me & my love about

Outer moka: pervs & the so called popular students -_-

Timeskip inner moka pov:

(Song starts playing in the background)

Myself & raziel sitting next to each other girls & the boys looking at us. Girls wanted to get in his pants & the boys wanted to get in my skirt.

Raziel: why just why

Inner moka: well look at you. Short pure red hair like your mother, beautiful yellow eyes * carrassed his cheek * like your father. Its bound to happen


 devil & alien good mix

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devil & alien good mix

Andrew: darlin. What are you doing up there?

Inner moka: you do realize that will start to .... nevermind

Mizore: this is my ninja training thanks to yumi senpai's teachings

Raziel pov:

The teached asked moka to read outloud in front of everyone.

then after that he asked me to do it

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then after that he asked me to do it. So i did. Much perfectly, ladies themselves got all turned on inner moka is turned on as well.

Inner moka: i feel so hot right now

" damn that guy "

Raziel: this is why english is never my thing

Inner moka: oh get over it💗

To be continued:


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