chapter 28:

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Don't own anything

Just ocs i drew

Author pov:

Inner moka akashiya saw something chomp on the inner hull on the plane.

It ran to kurumu burried its face between her large bosom till kale bonked it in the head

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It ran to kurumu burried its face between her large bosom till kale bonked it in the head.

Kale: stupid animal. I get to do that not you.

They got a full look at it.

Andrew: never seen it before

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Andrew: never seen it before

Raziel: neither have i. Its not from the familiar forest

Outer moka: it must have followed us on the way here

Kale: i got the hull repaired

It woke up & it got on kurumj's bosom again. Kale got mad. Suddenly a red energy made the little float in the air. They turned to raziel his hand up with his signature demonic energy of destruction seal on his hand.

Andrew: raziel!

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Andrew: raziel!. What are you doing?

Raziel: who sent you assassin? Trying to crash the plane?

Andrew pov:

I sensed he has cast a barrier with his magic. Make sure it won't crash.

Gremlin: " tch " you saw it through my plan. I work for fairy tail

Raziel: i knew it

Everyone: WHAT!?

He killed him before he made any more of his copies.

Raziel: i have control of the plane. PILOT KEEP IT STEADY. I'M HELPING YOU

Yukari: what about them?

Two jets are alerted. They radioed others to come to assist the emergency landing.

Kale: let them do their job

Then i sensed someone coming. Familiar energy spike. Something collided the plane underneath us.

(2:00 - 2:05 only)

Fong: what the?

Inner moka pov:

Cam footage outside showed....... is that who i think it is. Raizo li but the suit is different.


Terry aka New raizo: hang on landing the plane on water

To be continued:


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