Part 13

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Angelina POV

Sleep still holding her kidnapped, Angelina shifted in the bed, snuggling into the hard pillow.

"Morning Darling" Jensen whispered into her ear. His voice still gruff with sleep himself.

Consciousness coming to fore, Angelina took in her current situation. She was in bed. She was in Jensen's bed. In Jensen's bed with Jensen in it. And that hard pillow? Well that just happened to be his hard chiseled chest that she was using as a pillow.

"I feel asleep didn't I?"

"Yeah, you fought it for a long time though. I tried to wake you but you were dead to the world. So I carried you to bed. Shush my back is fine." He said, already predicting her argument." Can we just lie here a little longer? I haven't quite finished imprinting this in my memory."

" Imprinting what?"

" Waking up with you in my arms"

" It is rather nice isn't it" Angelina replied snuggling further under the covers.

She hadn't wanted to fall asleep. Was hoping to stay awake the whole night and spend as much time as possible with Jensen. Although he was right, being able to add this to her memory banks was irreplaceable.

" Ah Angelina, I don't want to ruin the moment, but your hand is sitting rather precariously close to a certain anatomy spot, that we decided last night not to become acquainted with."

" Oh is little Jay awake?" Angelina teased.

"You and I both know there is nothing little about what is under the covers. And please let's not call my dick Jay! My sister calls me that and I would rather not think about those mental connections." 

Angelina just laughed, picturing his face the next time his sister called him Jay.

"So what do you call your... Sausage and two potatoes? Please don't tell me something like the Acklesnator?"

"The what? No! Where do you even come up with that?"

"Well the fandom calls it your Acklesconda. So what do you call it?"

"Not all guys give their cocks names you know. Maybe just the Tate's of the world. I can definitely see him using one. I guess my cock or my dick" Jensen replied and then continued,
" Did you say an Acklesconda, like my surname and anaconda? Like where do they even come up with that?"

"Oh believe me your fans are very creative. And most are amazingly talented. The drawings and the stories that they come up with is insane."

"Oh I believe you with the artwork. The things I have been given, or asked to sign, are just amazing. And the Gish stuff that Mish makes them do. Its beyond amazing. I take it you read those stories then? Are you a DeanCas girl. Wait do you read that incest stuff?"

"Wincest. I will admit to reading several. Its just weird. I've read a couple of J2 stuff and the ménage a trios stuff with Dean and Sam or J2 is hot, but yeah Wincest is a highly debated topic."

And that DeanCas stuff?"

"Its called Destiel. I have read a couple. Some are so good. There was this one, where I ugly cried at the end of it. It was based during the Vietnam war, so at that time Dean and Cas couldn't really be together you know?"

"That sounds like that one story Mish told us about, said it had him crying. The one character dies from aids?"

"Yes that's the one! Ugly tears I tell you. Snot everywhere! If you can reduce me to a panting heaving snotty mess, then you deserve all the awards." 

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