Part 2

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Niamh enters the place where McDonald's is leading her to and sits down and waits for her glass of milk

"Sit down here little thing I'll get you your glass of milk"
-McDonald's goes into the kitchen and spends 20 minutes in their-
20 minutes later McDonald's comes out of the kitchen with a glass of milk for the Niamh

"T t t t t t t t thank you hh hhhh h h h hhand- AOWJEKEKAKFKDKRKKRETKWKTKEKRKEKEJ why did I say that 😱😱😱🧐 uwu"
-Niamh turnes into a uwu baka and blushes really really hard-
McDonald's gives her a smirk and walks away and watches her in the distance

"I I I I I II I I hope this milk tastes good 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍" says Niamh while she picks up the glass and proceeds to put it up to her mouth

-Niamh drinks the milk -

"Mmmmmmm this milk tastes WAIT THIS ISN'T MIL-

Niamh x McDonalds Where stories live. Discover now