Chapter 26

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The walk back from Anthony's was quiet and tense, him insisting he wanted to make sure I got home alright, however, I wanted to be alone and after we had made it half way, I ensured him that I was fine and he could go back home.

I felt rude, but what he had said to me while we were sanding freaked me out. He insisted that he would accept me as his Luna no matter what, his eyes telling me that he knew something that others didn't.

Most likely, he knew that I had participated in The Hunt and had harmed Saskia, something I really wanted to keep a secret.

Although Anthony seemed accepting, I knew not all of the beasts would feel the same way, and there would most likely be an up-roar if they found out about what I had done.

I was certain that Cole would choose his pack over me, sending me away for good if it was what they wanted, taking someone else as his Luna to help run the pack.

I padded across the grass slowly, taking in the shining sun, allowing my skin to soak up as much vitamin D as possible, having noticed how pale and dull my skin was looking lately, the wolves always gloriously tanned and glowing, putting me to shame.

My mind wandered to my family, and I felt saddened.

The only family I actually had left was my father and a few cousins that also lived at the colony, but other than that, I was alone, not having time to socialise apart from when in training, my so-called friends not really comparing to Amara and Tirus.

I had had more fun with them than I had with anyone at my colony.

I thought back to my childhood, disappointed. What would my life have been like if I wasn't forced into training for The Hunt? We were constantly fed lies about the wolves, Markus claiming that they were aggressive and animalistic. Catching sight of a human would send them into a frenzy and our heads would be ripped from our bodies within seconds, so we needed to fight back when we had the opportunity.

However, I saw how accepting and calm the wolves were here. I knew that they were respectful towards me because I was Cole's mate, but, they were always polite to Cassia, and she was a human and wasn't mated to anyone here.

Humans and wolves could co-exist if we both just accepted each other for what we were. We didn't need to fight.

I still didn't know what I was going to do regarding my colony, but it was something that I would speak to Amara and Tirus about eventually if Cole agreed.

I knew hearing their advice would help, but I didn't know how to tell them that me leaving was still an option if it was going to keep everyone safe. They would be hurt, and that was the last thing I wanted for them.

Maybe Cole could come and visit me in secret?

I sighed, knowing that probably wouldn't work, realising that I was standing in front of Cole's door, and had been for the past minute or so, my thoughts taking full control of me and rendering me helpless.

"Reya?" questioned Cole as he opened the door, cocking a brow at me in confusion. "Why are you just standing there?"

I shook my head, attempting to shake the aggressive thoughts from my brain, making my way into the house, noticing how dark Cole's eyes were, them lingering on me as he took a deep breath, shutting the door behind him.

"You reek of him," he stated, cocking his head, staring at me, a scowl plastered on his face.

I widened my eyes, subconsciously taking in deeper breaths through my nostrils in an attempt to catch my own scent, but obviously, my human senses couldn't detect a thing.

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