Chapter 59

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"I needed to get you away from everyone. The guards can't hear this," Finn told me, and I raised my brows at him, waiting for him to continue. "Did you read the part in the book where it talked about how some humans were granted with a gift from birth and could tell when the wolves were weakening?"

I nodded, picking at my thumb nail, feeling anxious. "Yes, I read that part."

"Alright, well we believe that up above granted them the gift because there were too many werewolves. They greatly outnumbered the humans and were diminishing our population at a rapid rate. They were killing us for fun."

I dragged my bottom lip into my mouth, sucking on it for a few seconds before speaking. "Cole told me about that."

"So you're clued up? Good," Finn responded, releasing a small breath and leaning up against the wall of the tent, but not allowing it to take his weight. It would have collapsed if he did.

"Are you also aware that the majority of those humans with the gift are dying?" Emily spoke, straightening her jacket and continuing to fiddle around with her medical equipment, not even sparing me a glance.

I knitted my brows together, slowly shaking my head. "No."

Finn hissed, releasing a small chuckle. "Okay, well all of the surrounding colonies have lost their leaders in the past month or so. They grew weak and quickly died. Markus has been panicking and has contacted other colonies further away to check what's going on, and they're going through the same thing."

"What does that mean?" I asked, shaking my head. "Is Markus going to die too?"

"We aren't sure," Emily admitted, moving across the room to grab a few of her clipboards, shoving them into a spare drawer, the wood squeaking as it grinded against itself. "We are under the impression that whoever is up above has seen the damage the humans are doing by hunting the wolves. There aren't nearly as many packs left now, and there isn't really any reason to hunt them. They don't bother us, and we've become just the thing that up above were trying to initially protect us from."

I nearly welled up with tears hearing another human understand where I was coming from with the wolves. "I was under the impression that all humans believed that the wolves needed to be killed."

Finn shrugged, taking a few steps closer to me. "Most of them, yes, but others, see it for what it really is. Lies."

"Okay, so why isn't Markus dead? Or at least weak?" I asked, remembering how he had pinned me up against the wall painfully when in the cell. He had seemed strong, almost too strong for a human, his fingers gripping my face almost to the point of fracturing my jaw. It had hurt like a bitch.

Emily finished up with her cleaning, pulling up a chair and bringing it into the middle of the room, perching herself on it backwards as she gazed at me questionably. I could tell that she was trying to gage my reaction to all of this, and I tried my best to show my thoughts and feelings on my face. I didn't want her thinking that I wasn't bothered by what I was hearing.

"I went through my Father's notes from the last ambassador meeting, and it appears that Markus has done something to ensure that he doesn't weaken and die." Finn's tone was more hushed as he spoke about his Father, and I could tell that he was feeling jittery mentioning him.

"What has he done?" I asked, gulping.

"Markus's powers are also connected to the moon, much like the wolves' are, but, he's found a way to bind his powers to something else. We don't know what it is, but it acts as almost a middle man. So far, it's stopped him from growing weak and dying like the other humans who possess the same gift as him."

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