🇨🇦A Lonely Valentines🇨🇦

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⚠️Art belongs to CaseyKeshui on Tumblr!! Make sure to check them out, they also have an Instagram if that's easier, they make the best CH art evah!!⚠️

(Y/n) was laying in their bed, glancing at the ceiling with half lidded eyes. Today was the darkest day of the year, a black hole in the calendar that sucks all the joy of life out of your existence.

This day was marked as; Valentines Day.

And (y/n) hated it. They had no friends, family was at work and they were having a bad cold so they didn't have to go to school. Well, they faked it. They were doing just fine actually but they were very good at acting.

They didn't want to go outside, to prevent seeing happy couples or the flower stalls with their stupid Valentines Sales. (Y/n) than thought it'd be a better idea to get up and get some breakfast. They were kinda hungry though...

Once they got out of bed, a shiver went down their spine. They grabbed the extra blanket they once got from an old friend and said to themselves; "Imma need this for my emotional support..." And stumbled downstairs.

They grab a plate, two slices of bread and (t/o/c) spreading it on the slices and smashing them on the plate. A cup of coffee / tea along with it and back upstairs to the bedroom. They put the plate and mug on the food plate they got for Christmas 5 years ago and grabbed their perfectly recharged laptop to open up Netflix and watch a good old series.

They chose to watch Stanger Things for the 5th time this year and munched on their food. Only two episodes in and they heard something hit their window. They didn't think of it that much, until a second time something hit the window.

With a low groan they swung their legs over the bed (RIP your breakfast which is now probably smashed into the wall?) and stomped over to the window, opening the curtains.

They were shocked when they saw who it was. It was Canada! One of her classmates that miraculously had the same name as the country itself. They had found it always odd why someone would name their child after a country... But never asked about it.

Now (y/n) wouldn't be lying if they said they had a crush on Canada, but that's the whole point! This was the reason they didn't want to go outside or to school at all! Being confronted by their own feelings...

They opened the window and the ginger head smiled warmly yet concerning at his friend. "(Y/n), why aren't you at school?? I missed you!" He yells up and they flush as red as the jacket he's wearing. "N-Nada..?? I uhh.. I have a very bad cold, you shouldn't be here!" They call to him but the maple addict cocks an eyebrow up.

(1st person POV)

"A cold? You do realize we've seen each other all day yesterday right?" He asks. "Yeah.. w-well... Nature's a bitch?" I ask awkwardly but realize my mistake. Canada is a huge nature lover...

"One, you can't say that. Two, open the door I'm not leaving until I know you're better." He says sternly and I mentally face palm myself. 'Damn it (y/n) why did you have to be such a dumb bitch???' I scold myself walking downstairs to the front door.

I open it and Canada walks in casually. He hangs up his jacket and walks upstairs to my bedroom, me following him nervously. When we arrive he plops down on my bed, amazed I kept his blanket. "I see you kept the blanket I gave you?" He smiles as I sit next to him, fiddling with my shirt.

"Hey, you can tell me everything. You know that right? That's what we're friends for." He smiles, wrapping his arm around me. "Y-yeah.. friends..." I think. "Huh? What was that- Oooh.. I see it now!" He chuckles and I feel like my head is about to explode. 'I..- I just said that out loud...' I think dying more and more by the second.

"So that's why you stayed home?" He asks teasingly and I jokingly push him off. "Oh shut up.. You know it was pretty obvious I liked you." I pout and he laughs. "Of course it was! You're bad at hiding your emotions, as much as a fake cold.." He laughs softly in his own cute way, the dimples is his cheeks more than visual...

His cheeks are rosy as he quiets down and he looks at me with a soft warm smile. "Y'know.. I did get a lot of Valentines Roses this year." He speaks. "You always do, you're a ginger, you're named after a country and I mean.. you're one of the fittest people in our school!" I chuckle and he shrugs. "You know what (y/n), I... I actually AM the country, y'know? Canada?" He asks and I get confused for a moment...

"Haha! Yeah, right. If you're Canada, I'm... wait, what's a country nobody thinks exists but actually does exist..?" I think out loud. "Lichtenstein?" He suggests with a small chuckle. "Yeah! Licht..- Licht..Wein..-Stein... What you said.." I exclaim, trying to pronounce the country right. "I actually don't see Lichtenstein that much anymore.. My brother America does see Germany a lot more often these day, because you know...?" He pauses for me to respond. "Mhm.. Yeah I know why.." I respond softly, not wanting to think about that.

"But sometimes Lichtenstein is with Germany, because they have some sort of partnership." Canada explains. "W-wait.. so you mean... T-that...?" I can't speak out the rest of the sentence because it's finally hitting me...


"Hey (y/n)! What are you doing??" The happy voice of the new student 'Canada' chirps from behind me. "O-oh hiya, Canada! Nothing really.. it's stupid anyway..." I chuckle nervously, closing my laptop I use for school. "They're probably searching up some stupid stuff about countries for their stupid and dumb fanfiction shit!" One of the bullies laughs, high five-ing her friends.

"Huh? Countries? What country were you searching information about?" Canada asks sitting down next to me, making me blush lightly. "W-well.. nothing personal but... I was looking for uhmmm..- Oh God this is embarrassing... Okay, fine! I was looking for the country Canada." I finally give in and he gasps. "R-really?? I know everything about Canada!" He exclaims smiling widely. "Here, what do you want to know??" He asks leaning his head on his hands, elbows on the table...

This kept going on for a few months, I was surprised he knew so much about this country. We even made our own fanfictions together, where he'd tell me if any information was incorrect. He would always laugh at the fanfictions or ship art with Ukraine as Canada's girlfriend / boyfriend. "I know Canada and Ukraine are close, but we are definitely not THAT close!" He'd laugh, leaving me questioning why he'd always say 'we'...

I decided not to question it and laugh along with him.

~End of flashback

"S-so.. Y-.. you are...??" I stammer and he nods, his face transforming from a white skin colored freckled face to the flag of Canada. His hair was now bright red, with small white highlights, his eyes were still blue and his freckles were now white.

I gasp loudly and hide my face in embarrassment. "No... no.. no... nonononononono..!!" I mutter and he laughs. "This isn't real.. you're not real.. Countryhumans aren't real..!" I say looking up, only to see my tabled on my bed with a picture of Canada, smiling at me...

I sigh deeply, reminding myself why I was still single after what happened last year... "It wasn't losing feelings (e/n).. It became 'loving each other'.. not a stupid high school crush anymore... We're not kids anymore..."

I smiled back at the picture and got back under the blankets, continuering the series I was watching with Canada.

Happy late Valentines Day!!❤️❤️

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