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Y/N is female in this one, srry😅

- 3rd person POV

Phil and his girlfriend Y/N were laying on his bed, holding each other closely and enjoying each other's presence. They had been together for 4 months now and Phil's parents, Kati and Perla, had welcomed Y/N with open arms. You were most likely as a fourth child to them, a daughter they never had. Phil's brothers, Del Pilar and Martial Law, welcomed you warmly into their family but Martial was a bit skeptical at first. At first he wouldn't stop glaring at you, asking you many personal questions until the moment where Del Pilar had to smack him on the head for making you uncomfortable.

"Happy four months anniversary Y/N!" Phil had chirped hugging you tightly when he opened the door welcoming you today, just about an hour ago. "Phil, you know we don't have to celebrate every month of our relationship you know?" You chuckled as you hugged him back, catching the young boy off guard. He gasped in a 'hurt' way and frowned. "Y/N! Of course we have to celebrate every month of our relationship! What we have is so special, how can you NOT celebrate something so wonderful as love every month? Better yet, every day." He said with a pout before you pecked his lips.

"Alright Mister WhinyFace. If that's what makes you happy." You smiled and he returned the gesture. "It's you that makes me happy Y/N." He blushed and you giggled.

Now you two were up in his room, a bag of (f/f) chips and a big bottle of coke next to his bed and a good movie rolling on his TV. The curtains were closed and the led-strip lights were dimmed, changing color every 30 seconds. Phil had you trapped in his lap while he held you closely to his chest, his fingers interlocked so you wouldn't escape so easily.

You looked up and smiled at his facial features. His right brown eye and his left yellow eye shined as he was focused on the screen. You had always admired his flag design, that's what made you notice him in the first place. When you first met him, he was outside with his brothers. But you noticed that Martial had a similar flag as Phil. Phil had explained that Martial was his war flag, when the red color is up it means his country is at war. The blue color up means the country is in peace.

It had explained the fact why Martial was transparent all the time. If the country indeed was at war, that'd probably mean Phil himself would be transparent. Del Pilar's flag had more meanings than just war and peace. Del Pilar was the oldest brother and his flag was very bond to his father's flag. The red color belonging to Katipunan. The black color represented Mariano Llanera's flag design of the revolutionary flag, and the blue triangle stood for Cuba's revolutionary flag design since they were also colonized by Spain.

As time passed by you two get to meet up more and enjoyed each other's company. And fell in love. Phil was the first to confess his feelings to you, but when he heard a soft 'yes' coming from you, all he could do was hug you and never let you go. Giving you affection wasn't a that big of a deal, unless we were talking about PDA. The first 3 months he was very shy to give you PDA, it would only stay at holding hands to a side hug whenever he got jelly.

But since a week or 2, he had loosen up more and now he was even ready to give you small pecks on your cheeks outside of the house!

Back to your date. You were watching 'Love and Monsters' together. A movie you two agreed on watching every monthly anniversary, because it was basically the movie that got you two together. Eventually Phil caught you staring at him and he gave you a peck on the lips, pulling you back from your deep thoughts. You kisses back and smiled into the kiss.

"Watcha thinking about?" He asked when he pulled back, leaving you pouting and wanting for more smoochies. "About you, obviously." You responded and he chuckled, giving you another peck. "About how handsome I am probably!" He grinned proudly with a wink and you blushed. "You're not all that.." I joked and he gasped.

"Oh now you've hit my sensitive nerve y/n!" He frowned and turned you around, still making you sit on his lap but facing him. You were technically straddling him and you blushed harder from the gesture. "I'm gonna smooch you until you tell me I'm handsome!" He said before planting kisses all over your face. You weren't complaining. You liked this kind of attention and you kept your mouth tightly shut, while grinning like crazy.

"Giving up yet?" He asked after a while of kissing your face, some places even having some of his saliva on you. "Nope, not at all. You can keep going." You smile triumphant and he scoffs continuing to kiss your face. His hands on your sides, gently rubbing up and down slowly, but not getting too frisky. His lips eventually land on yours and they stay there for a good 20 seconds. Your hands slide behind his neck, interlocking fingers for better grip.

Eventually you two parted away for air and grinned pressing your foreheads together. "Well?" He asks cupping your cheek. "Alright, alright Sunshine.. You're handsome and even more than that." You smile kissing his nose at which he giggles. "Even more than handsome??" He gasps and you nod. "I must be very special than.." He whispers in awe and you hug him tightly.

"You're adorable!" "I know!"

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