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As soon as he entered the school, whistles and catcalls started. He didn't mind any of them. After all, he was beautiful and he was aware of it. Besides, calling out to him d matter for he belonged to someone else, someone who would probably kill all of them for even daring to gaze at his way. But he kept his love away from this stuff. No nee ruin his good reputation, right?

But there was a line. He could never, ever accept being touched. He despised it.

"How dare you touch me?!" Naruto hissed as he grabbed the boy's hand who had touched his ass. He sprained his wrist easily.

The boy cried out and the whole hall silenced at the display.

Naruto Uzumaki was well known for his angelic beauty, and also, for his violent nature.


Somebody called and Naruto turned around quickly.

"Sasuke!" He cried in joy and threw himself in his boyfriend's arms.

The raven haired boy smirked and wrapped his arms around his lover tightly. "Good morning."

"Morning!" Naruto chirped, nuzzling into Sasuke's neck.

"What that dipshit was doing to you?" Sasuke asked coldly.

"Nothing," Naruto smiled widely. "Like he could do something to me!"

"Damn right," Sasuke smirked and kissed his lover's forehead gently.

"Can we get some tea?" Naruto asked as they started walking slowly.

Sasuke frowned as he wrapped an arm around his love's shoulders. "Your throat hurting again?"

Naruto nodded with a wince. "Stupid allergies."

"Let's go," Sasuke grabbed Naruto's hand and took him to the cafeteria where he bought him a cup of tea and some doughnuts, knowing that his lover didn't like having breakfast so early in the morning.

Naruto was munching on his doughnuts happily as they stopped before his classroom.

"Listen to your teachers, okay?" Sasuke asked with an amused smile.

Naruto puffed his cheeks out and then nodded.

Laughing at the cuteness that was displayed before him, Sasuke leaned over to capture his lover's full lips.

Naruto's eyes slid close and the hand that was holding his paper tea cup trembled. Sasuke was quick to support Naruto's hand as he drew back with a smirk.

"There was some chocolate there," Sasuke said teasingly.

Naruto nodded in a daze.

"Get inside now and work hard, okay?" Sasuke asked before kissing Naruto's forehead gently.

Naruto nodded again and then walked into the classroom. Sasuke looked after him for a while and then walked to his own classroom.

Sasuke was eighteen while Naruto was seventeen so they were in different classes. Sometimes, Sasuke wished that they were the same age, still it was okay. They saw each other every single day so it was enough for Sasuke. They had met back in middle school and since then they were together. They were everything to each other. They were friends, brothers and lovers. They had promised to be together forever and Sasuke had no doubt that they would realize it.

Naruto settled in his desk with a dreamy smile and proceeded to eat the rest of his doughnuts as he sipped his tea. He loved Sasuke so much that he couldn't put it into words. The older boy was his everything. His past and his future.

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