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He walked into the club with slow steps. Darkness greeted him along with loud music and countless bodies dancing to the beat. He wasn't interested in dancing so he walk the bar and settled down on a high stool.

"Want anything?" A barmen approached him quickly.

Sasuke pointed at the vodka bottles. "With energy drink."

The barmen raised an eyebrow at that but prepared Sasuke's drink nevertheless. Grabbing the glass, Sasuke drowned it in one go and signaled the barmen to fill his glass again.

He wasn't sure for how long he drank and at some point a pink leech decided to join him as well.

"I've never seen you around here," The pink haired woman said with a smirk as she settled down beside him.

Sasuke didn't answer. Instead, he turned around and started watching the dance floor. It was pretty crowded and people seemed to be having fun.

"My name is Sakura," The woman said happily.

Sasuke gazed at the woman with the corners of his eyes. "So?"

"So?" She giggled. "This is the part where you tell me your name."

"And what if I don't want to?" Sasuke questioned, eyes still on the floor.

"Then what would you like?" She asked suggestively.

"How about leaving me the fuck alone?" Sasuke asked harshly.

"I love aggressive man!" Sakura cooed. "You actually mean to stay with you, right?"

Sasuke looked at the woman with a strange face. Was she high?

"You know my house is near and-"

Sasuke muted her voice as he returned watching the dance floor. His sharp eyes studied the dancing bodies as he searched for something different. He gasped and stood u his eyes landed on it... him.

He was among the sea of people, dancing to the beat of the music. The pale lights illuminated over him, making him look angelic among the mere mortals. He was wearing shorts that were too short to be legal with a baggy, white t-shirt on top. The skirts of the t-shirt were pulled up in a knot over his belly, revealing his shapely abdomen. He wearing socks which were around his thighs and one of the socks had slid down to pool around his knee.

People were watching him hungrily and Sasuke had only one thought as he gulped down his third glass.

He needed to get a hold of that beauty.

He left the glass on the counter and then more than necessary money and with the pink leech calling out to him, he walked up to the sinful angel with slow but sure steps.

He stood right behind the blonde beauty, letting him feel the warmness of his body. The shorter male tuned around and gazed at Sasuke with half lidded eyes.

They both seized each other for a long while and then the blonde beauty turned around. He made sure to press his plump ass against Sasuke's crotch as started dancing sensually. He dropped his head over Sasuke's shoulder and tangled a hand in his inky hair, caressing his scalp suggestively.

Without hesitating, Sasuke leaned over and buried his nose in the exposed, flawless neck. He wrapped his arms around the slim waist and held the shorter male tightly against chest as he kissed the milky neck urgently.

The beauty sighed and pressed closer against him, starting a slow grinding.

It was driving Sasuke insane.

A breathy chuckle was heard as the shorter male turned around to face him once again. His sky blue eyes twinkled merrily under the ever changing lights. He wrapped his around Sasuke's shoulders tightly and started swaying slowly.

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