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Emotions are what we feel when anything happens. The angriness we feel when the barber makes a wrong cut or the fear of our parents we feel after burning down the whole kitchen are all emotions. A man is considered strong when he masters the art of controlling his emotions. Now it doesn't mean only that we must not be angry when we feel but it mostly means to control the emotions we feel when we have no motivation or drive to work.

It means that when you are feeling down or putting off that work you know you have to do, you must ignore the emotions you feel then and there and must work nevertheless, it is also termed as discipline which we will cover in the next chapter.

We must have enough control over our emotions that when everybody is crying over something, you must be standing there, unfazed. It also has a positive impact that when a person crying comes to you and you have strong emotional control, the other person also gets the feeling to stop giving in to the emotion and hence, feels better when the emotion disappears. 

It doesn't mean that we mustn't have emotions but rather that we should have them and use them intentionally when we know the emotion has power. There is also a book called The Power Of Negative Emotion which talks about how we can use our negative emotions such as anger to our advantage and when we should use them to get the best effect. Let me give you an example, I am an avid chess player so I, and my friend were playing chess, another friend came around and ruined the board and I am not an angry person and that was the first time I ever showed anger, I stood up and shouted at him loudly and the effect was that nobody else dared to mess up my chess board ever. I told the friend to never mess up my board again and we were back on normal terms within 30 minutes because I knew holding grudges wouldn't get me far and forgiving was the way forward.

We should have emotions but we should refuse to let the emotions control us and rather use the
emotions to our advantage.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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