Chapter 6- The Ritual Of Spine

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Nyx's POV:

It's a few days after my match with Beth when hunter calls me while i'm heading to my hotel room after a meal to celebrate mine and Finn's win."hey hunt what's up?"."Hey Nyx could you do a promo tomorrow night with the rest of battlefield, me and steph basically want you to rub your win in edge and beth's faces and then we will have them come out and you and roman are gonna get in a fight with them if thats cool with you both?"Wow,im already getting my first promo only a few days into my wrestling career."Yeah i can happily do that hunter ,have you told anyone else or just me because i can pass the message on to battle field if you want?"."yeah please do that for me,im gonna call Edge and tell him now bye Nyx." And the line went dead.

I looked down the hall and thankfully everyone was still entering their room."guys come to my room for a sec will ya?".I entered my room amd left the door open so people could come in and put my suitcase on the bed before sitting on the edge of the bed.Once everyone was in my room i told them about the promo and made sure to mention it was just me and Roman getting into a fight, i know how Rhea can be with Beth.They all got stuff sorted with me and started heading to their rooms but i stopped Roman and pulled him back into my room and shut the door.He was confused but i just explained that i wanted to plan out the attack ,keeping in mind that i knew Edge and Beth would attack first.

We sat down and discussed our finishers and how we would pull a spear at different times and how i would do a submisson hold on Beth while Roman did it to Edge even though it was slightly risky trying a new finisher without practicing.Somehow we got carried away and layed on my bed talking from 10 to 4 in the morning.I looked at the clock and saw the time"wow did not realise it was this late ,you should probaly go rest so we can train in the morning."He smiled and nodded before leaving my room and allowing me to change out of my dress and into an oversized shirt and shorts.I laid back thinking about the promo and eventually fell asleep,knowing i would need to be up in a few hours to get ready to train.

*time skip to the training center with Rhea ,Dom and Roman*

I got into my training gear and walked up to the practice ring that held Rhea ,Dom and Roman and jumped on the apron.We were traing for the fight that happens during the promo.With mid-promo attacks,all you get on the script is,a fight happens.Doesnt say who wins ,doesnt say what happens in the fight,it just happens and whoever wins basically just gets bragging rights.Rhea and Dom were gonna act as Edge and Beth for ,me and Roman to train with.We started with pracicing spears,which we only did onto extra training matts so none of us got hurt doing them.Once me and Roman had mastered the spear,not that Roman needed to practice it since he's done it plenty of times,we got to learning and practicing my submisson hold.I called it the ritual of spine,we would have the opponent layed on their back infront of us,give them a hard kick to the stomach.grab their legs ,lift them up,roll them on their stomach ,give them the same hard kick to the center of the back then hold them down with our foot in the center of their back as we crossed their legs over our thigh and leaned back,pulling on their legs and pushing their shin either on our knee or on the backside of their own shin.Me and Roman both tried it and found it was very effective.We even took one each ourselves to see how painful it was,honestly worse than glam slam,way worse.We practiced more,stuff like blocking hits ,giving hits and seting the opponent up for ritual of spine.Once we were convinced we had practiced ,we headed for something to eat.
*time skip to the promo*

I got into a judgement day style outfit that consisted of a pair of combat boots,my normal ripped jeans with a black bandana in my back pocket,my demoness shirt,an open black button up overtop my demoness shirt and a ring on each finger.All of battlefield were joining me for the promo and went out in their own smaller groups,shield went out first ,making their way down to the ring through the crowd on the right side of the stadium.Then Judgement day went out and did their signature poses on the left side on the apron, then my music started over the speakers and the lights went down.Once again i ran my ass down the ramp and jumped on the apron and got into my animal-like pose right as the lights came up.I had also decided for my entrance at something like wrestlemania or summerslam, where the ramp was way too long for me to run down and get on the apron in time,i would just go under the ring before the show started, i mean thats where i came from on my debut.I did the rest of my entrance before standing in the middle of the ring and picking up a mic.

I lifted the mic to my mouth but before i could say anything i heard the crowd start chanting"nyx is awesome".I smiled and looked round at rhe crowd before fianlly speaking,the fans fianlly hearing my voice for the first time."hello there wrestlemania,nice to fianaly meet you lovely people,im sure your wondering why of all people im hanging around judgement day and a recently reformed shield,well for starters,they are all my idols,second of all for the people who dont like judgement day because i know you all like shield ,ive seen the matches they've had and the fans reacitions,but back to judgement day,first of all,move off edge he has been around long enough ,along with his wife,and they didnt betray him, no they simply removed an obstacle instead of finding a way round it".This made about half the crowd boo me."what? you know im right,you just dont want to admit it,judgement day arent villianous or evil,they are just powerful,and the same goes for anyone who stupidly dislikes shie-"I was cut by what i expected to be edges music but wasnt,it was ....Baron's music?

Everyone watched as he made his way to the ring and walked over to me with a mic."well isnt this nice,the short emo is using her big girl voice,stop trying to seem dangerous ,aggressive and like a threat ,it doesnt suit you sweetheart,you leave that role to me because you and i both know im the better and more dominant one here,and that includes in the bedroom." He smirked as everyone except me and him in the stadium let out a loud gasp.I looked up at him with annoyed eyes and brought the mic back to my mouth."you had to bring that up didnt you corbin,and for the record im not trying to seem like a threat, dangerous or agressive because i already know i am,and im fine with knowing that, im not gonna force the world to believe it, i let the fans believe what they want,if they agree and think i am dangerous well then good for them,if they dont,good for them aswell, you see thats the differance between us,you force the fans to believe your big strong and tough,becuase you know deep down you just insecure that your not-"I was cut off by a hard slap on the cheek by corbin.I held my jaw and shot him a death glare."you know something, i wont come at you for hitting a woman,ill come for you for hitting me!".I went to punch him but seth got there first and tackled corbin out the ring.

Once he smartly started making his way back up the ring ,we fianlly heard edges theme play as him and beth rush out and towards the ring.I glanced at Roman and prepared myself.The rest of battlefield cleared the ring as me and Roman and the so called "grit" couple started brawling.They got a few good hits in that sent me and Roman to oppisite corners but got too cocky which was their downfall.Since they were so sure me and Ro would stay down,they stood in the middle of the ring and started kissing.I pulled a disgusted face before giving Roman a quick nod to do the spear on Edge.He ran at Edge and speared him into the corner i was in as i rolled out way.Beth watched Roman get up off her husband and took one step towards him before i speared her.She sat against the corner as i stood over her panting before grabbing her ankles and yanking her to the center of the ring just as roman did the same with edge.We smirked at each other before doing the first of 2 stomps to the stomach of our oppostion, we flipped them on their stomachs ,did the stomp on their back and pulled their ankles over our thighs.I took a deep breath before pulling on beths ankles and leaning back,causing her to scream out and slam her hand down on the matt trying to make me break the hold.I looked over to see edge in the same bad state and just smiled.The holds were only broken when Damien and Seth pulled us off Beth and Edge.I didnt try to get back on her ,just rolled out the ring and slowly made my way up the ramp smiling evily with battlefield walking with me as my music played over the speakers.

"ok well i did not expect this chapter to be as long as it was,i think for the next chapter ill do a double team smut, so im thinking nyx, seth and roman perhaps?"

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