Chapter 8-A Round Of Relief

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*smut ahead*

1768 words

Nyx's POV:

After driving for about half an hour ,we fianlly got to the apartment that Rhea had hired.We all grabbed our bags beofre heading inside and dropping them off in our own rooms.I didnt want to tell any of them but i was still shaking from the events from earlier.My wrists still had a marks where the cuffs had been too tight around my skin and the back of my head still ached.Luckily for me since it was so late, everyone else had retired to their own rooms so i could sneak around to get some relief in the form of an heat back and my headphones that i had left in the car.Once retrieving the headphones i came back in,threw the keys on the table looked for a heat pack.I couldnt find one so i only had one other option.I knew Rhea had some but i didnt want to disturb her in case she was sleeping and more so i didnt want her to see the tears of stress that were running down my cheeks.So i just decided to deal with the pain and went back to my room with my headphones.

I dropped onto my bed and grabbed my phone and connected my headphones to it before putting on some playlist of 80s rock music.I shut my door,curled up in my bed and let the tears fall down my face.I hated feeling like this but since today had been so eventful the stress was just too overwhelming and i needed a way to get rid of it somehow.I tried to keep quiet but since i had my music playing i thought i was being quieter than i actually was.I had my music so loud i didnt even hear when my door was opened and the three people i was staying with walked into my room and stood right next to my bed and behind me.

Rhea's POV:

I was on my phone texting Damian on how his hotel was and having jokes how he should of just stayed at the apartment with me when i heard small whimpers and crys from in the hallway.I peaked out my slightly open door and saw Nyx walking back to her room with headphones in hand and tears streaming down her face.I waited till she was back in her room before going to Dom's and Roman's room and getting them up.I told them both what i saw and told them i was gonna see what was up with her.They followed and and quietly entered her room,thankfully her back was to us and her music must of been playing very loudly because she had no idea we were there until i gently tapped her leg.She spun round and quickly wiped the tears off her face.

Nyx's POV:

Suddenly i felt something touch my leg,i spun round i saw the silhouette of the three people im staying with.I quickly wiped the tears off my face and took my headphones to talk to them."hey guys ,need something,i didnt wake any of you did i?"They all chuckled as Rhea sat on the edge of the bed gently rubbing up and down my leg."No,you didnt disturb us and we just want to know whats got you upset like this,and dont say nothing,we can all tell somethings up."I held back more tears and explained how i was just really stressed and this was my way of dealing with it.I sat back in my bed actaully feeling quite relieved from opening up to them but there was still that last bit of stress that lingered.I thanked them for letting me vent and tried to get them out my room a little too quickly, but they werent done yet."Ah ah ah,not yet hermosa ,i think we can get rid of your last bit of stress as well becuase i know its there amor."I looked between them all slightly flustered as i saw a suggestive smirk spread across all their faces.I moved up the bed to make space as Dom and Roman sat either side me and made me lay back agaisnt their chests as Rhea laid on her stomach between my legs.

Rhea gently pushed my thighs open as Dom kissed me Roman kissed my neck. Me and the ,men slid our shirts off and Roman and Dom switched places as Rhea slowly slid my jeans off.Roman moved down slightly as Dom got me to sit up which allowed him to sit behind me and i sat between his legs and laid back with my head leaned back on his shoulder.I shivered as i felt Roman trailing kisses up and down my stomach and chest.Dom began placing soft kisses and the ocansional hickey on my neck as Rhea pulled my boxers off and ran her finger through the wettness that was dripping out of me.I whimpered as i looked down at her and clenched my thighs softly around her.Dom snaked his hand round my neck to hold me in place as i gasped from the feeling of rhea's finger pushing through my wettness and inside me.I let out a soft string of moans as Roman sucked and kissed my breasts and Rhea pumped her fingers in and out of me."your such a good girl for us amor" i heard Dom whisper in my ear seductively.I kept letting moans and whimpers fly out my mouth as Rhea and Roman edged me closer to my orgasm."so, so close mami".I tilted my head back onto Dom's shoulder preparing for my orgasm but was disapointed when i felt an instant loss of Rhea causing me to let out a whine of fustration.

I watched confused as Roman switched with Rhea and lowered his face to where Rhea had left me feeling empty.I let out the same loud string of moans i had released when she was between my legs as Roman licked a strip up my cunt to my clit.I accidently bucked my hips upwards as he pushed the tip of his tounge inside me and rubbed his nose against my clit.My hand flew to his hair and i gripped it softly as Rhea and Dom left searing hot kisses on my neck and chest.I felt a heat in my lower stomach forming again ,making me more and more desperate for it.Once again i preapred for my orgasm to hit me, yet once again i was denied it at the last second.I shot my eyes open and looked down at Roman with fustration filling my eyes"dont worry baby girl youll get it soon enough ,we're just building you up for dom".Dom pushed ,me foward gently and slid out from behind me as Rhea replaced him and Roman went back to laying beside me and planting soft kisses along my chest.

Dom stood up and took off his jeans and boxers before taking the postion between my legs.He lined the tip of his cock up with my entrance as i whimpered and felt Rhea's hand wrap around my neck as she cooed sweet nothings into my ear.I let out a sea of moans and curses as Dom slowly slid into my already sensitive hole.I tipped my head back onto Rhea's shoulder as Dominik thrusted into me at a painfully slow pace.He leaneed down and planted his hands either side of my boobs and planted kisses on my lips as he slipped his tounge into my mouth.I couldnt hear Rhea over mine and Dom's sounds of ecstaty so i had no idea what she said to Roman before he ran out the room and came back a minute later with a purple box in his hand.He opened it and passed a small purple, bullet shaped object to Rhea.She pressed a button on it and it started buzzing before she lowered it between my and Domink's bodys and pressed it to my clit.I gasped and arched my back and gripped Dom's muscular shoulders."H-harder papi, please".They all chuckled as Dom picked up the pace and roughness he slmmed into me with.I felt once again,or should i say twice again, the feeling of heat building in my stomach.I didnt bother to prepare myself,expecting the pleasure to be taken away again.BIG mistake.I gripped Dom's shoulders tighter and dug my nails into his skin as my orgasm hit me like a train.I looked down as Dom pulled out and cummed on my stomach to see my fluid on his thighs,Rhea's hand ,the vibrator, everywhere.

I panted as Dom and Roman cleaned up the mess i had made as Rhea cuddled with me in my bed .I was helped to my feet and got dressed into some fresh boxers and one of Finn's hoodie i had stole.That's when it hit me.Finn.I didnt know what the deal was with us.We had never actually said we were dating but the way he acted around me made it feel like we are.I looked at the boys and Rhea panicked as they started asking what was wrong."i shouldnt of done this,i-i should go."I frantically started packing all my things back into my suitcase before Rhea stopped me by snatching my phone away right as i went to grab it."rhea give ,me the phone now".She frowned tilted her head before shaking her head."you need to calm down sweetheart im sure finn will be fine with it."I sighed"yeah? how do you know ,honeslty he'll probaly hate me if he finds ou-."Dom spoke up"nyx just stop, finn could see you were stressed before we left the stadium and once you were in the car he told us if you carried on being stressed,we could help you calm down like this, we know this because you told roman last night when you stayed up till 4 with him,so please just calm down."I took a step back before realising my mistake, i now remembed ,i had told roman when we got to know each other better that sexual pleasure oddly calmed me down.I looked at the floor embarrassed as they alll just walked over and hugged me."im sorry guys" i said as i held back tears and looked up at them."its alright babygirl we all make mistakes, we understand."Roman said and he held my face and made me look at him.I nodded and pulled myself together before we said our goodbyes the night and retired back to our own rooms,or in my case,my bed.

*sorry this took so long to get out my mind had just gone completely blank for the past couple days,ill try and make up for it, sorry once again!*

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