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"It's going to be okay, Jordan." Camden says, as he holds his brother closer to his chest. He starts to hum a familiar tune, Blackbird by The Beatles. Jordan hums along, as Camden starts singing.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night

Jordan buries his head in his older brother's chest, still crying after his father said that he isn't a boy, and that he'll always be a girl.

Take these broken wings and learn to fly

His father's words still clinging to his mind as he lies down in bed, years later. "I'll never see you as my son, you'll always be my daughter." is all Jordan can hear as he tries humming along to a tune he had heard a million times before.

All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Isaac sneaks into his older brother's room after having, yet again, another nightmare. This is the fifth time this week that he has done this just to hear the comforting voice of his brother singing quietly.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night

Isaac is comforted as his brother holds him tightly and shields him from all the terrors that could harm him. One of the terrors being in the living room yelling at their mother. "Shh, I've got you Izzy." Camden whispered, after Isaac fell asleep choking back sobs.

Take these sunken eyes and learn to see

Isaac wakes up in the middle of the night looking around his bedroom wondering if the events of the past year didn't happen, begging that it had all been a nightmare and he was in his room at his mother's house or in Scott's room with the alpha sleeping quietly beside him, but no, he was still in France and Allison was still dead. He pulls his knees to his chest and sobs as he hums the tune his brother sang to him multiple times growing up for the first time since he was twelve.

All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free
Blackbird fly
Blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night

Camden traced calming circles into his youngest brother's back after said brother had gotten mad at someone who was bullying him for his IED.

Blackbird fly

"It's okay. You're okay." Camden said, voice soft and sweet. Camden holds Liam while he sobs, his voice cracking when he asks, "Why do I have to be like him?" Camden tries not to cry while holding his baby brother so impossibly closer. "You aren't, you're sweet and caring and I love you so much." he answers, knowing that when Liam said 'him' the way he did just then he was talking about their father, not their dad, no, their dad was David, but Liam was talking about the man that they were related to.

Blackbird fly

Liam drug himself through the house, his dad at work and his mom out of town for the week. No one there to ask him why he was bloodied and beaten up, and for once he was glad no one was home. He went to his room and started to play a song he knew from years before. He cleaned the blood from his face while listening to the voice.

Into the light of the dark black night

Liam woke up from a nightmare, his heart beating fast in his chest, as he looked around the room for any sign of him. Seeing nothing he got up to go and splash his face with water in the bathroom sink. However when he looked into the mirror his face slowly changed, morphed into his father's face. The words "You are just like me! Only caring about yourself and no one else!" flowing out of his- no not his- his father's mouth. Liam shot out of bed screaming out the word "NO!" causing his dad to rush into his room and hold Liam tight as he screamed and sobbed into his shirt, the same way Liam had, all those years ago, into his mother's shirt after she told him and Isaac that Camden had died. A line from the song came to Liam's mind as his dad held him close.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night

Liam looked into the eyes of Theo Raeken as if he stared hard enough the other boy would evaporate and finally leave him alone. To Liam's utter disappointment though, Theo didn't leave, and just kept bugging him, making Liam grow angrier by the second, Liam clenched his hands into fists digging his claws into the palm of his hand, and when that didn't work he resorted to punching Theo in the face. That didn't work either, so he closed his eyes as tight as he could and started humming the tune of the song as he had done many times before.

Take these broken wings and learn to fly

Liam ran back home after he saw Brett and Lori die, tears in his eyes as he closed the door to his bedroom. He started to play a video on his laptop that his mom had posted years ago in said video he, Camden, Jordan, Isaac, Mason, Brett, and Lori were singing the song he knew all too well. A song that he hadn't listened to in six years, yet in the span of a month he listened to it, hummed it, and even sung it when no one else was around to help him calm down around twenty times. Liam played the video on loop, a lump forming in his throat, as he cried himself to sleep listening to the voices of the people he once knew alive and happy, of the people he once loved, and of the people he still loved.

All your life

Liam woke up from another nightmare- or night terror, he doesn't remember what his dad had called it- about becoming like his father, not that surprising since these dreams had been plaguing his sleep for weeks, causing him to only get a few hours of rest every night. However, this time he woke up somewhere different, still screaming and sobbing as he did when he had the first dream, but this time he also had a pain in his jaw, and he had a seat belt over his body. Liam looked next to himself in horror when he realized where he was, Theo Raeken's truck. Theo pulled over to the side of the road and turned the truck off as he looked over at the younger boy. "Are you okay, Liam?" Theo asked voice soft and kind. Liam just nodded, tears still rolling down his cheeks, Theo turned Liam's head to make the blue-eyed beta look at him. "Answer me, please." the older said, voice still soft as the other choked back a sob, "It was just a dream." Liam responded, "I could tell, do you want to tell me what it was about?" Theo wondered. Liam curled his knees up to his chest as if trying to keep his heart from tearing a hole through it at the thought of becoming something- no someone- that he had always dreaded the thought of being anything like from the moment he was diagnosed with IED. Theo sighed, turning away from Liam. "It was about my father." Liam started, as the older was about to start the truck back up, "Your dad? Why did you wake up screaming then?" Theo questioned, "No, not my dad. My father. Not David but the man that is on my birth certificate." Liam continued, "Okay... so, what else was it about, and why did you wake up screaming?" Theo asked, "I've been having nightmares about two or three, sometimes even four, times a night, and in every dream I end up being more and more like my father as I get older. Every! Damn! Time! I hate it! I hate that even though he's been dead for a while he still haunts me! I hate that I'm probably gonna become like him! I hate everything about it! I hate that I'm related to him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him, and I miss my brother! It's been six years and I still miss him! Why am I the way I am?" Liam explains, yelling by the end. Theo puts his hand on Liam's shoulder, the same way Camden used to do when he was younger, "You'll be okay, I promise." Theo whispers, "Why do you say that? What makes you so sure of it?" Liam asks, shouting, "Because," Theo says calmly, "If you're this worried about turning out like him, then you probably won't." he continues, "But what if I do end up like him?" Liam questions, Theo smiles and pulls Liam into a hug, letting his walls down for once, "I won't let you." the older whispers into the younger's hair, "Bu-" Liam starts, "Shh, I've got you, you'll be fine." Theo says, quietly, sweetly, gently, running one hand up and down Liam's back while the other softly combs through the beta's hair. After a few more minutes they stop hugging and Theo turns the truck back on. The end of the song Liam knows and loves playing as they drive off.

You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Lahey brothers incorrect quotes, headcannons, and one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now