Liam Dunbar's tenth birthday

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Liam going downstairs on his tenth birthday, after reading the note that his oldest brother wrote to him just like the year before, to see his step-father, David, holding Liam’s mother in his arms, while sitting on the floor. Holding her tight as she sobs into his shoulder, neither of them noticing Liam as he stands in the doorway to the kitchen, the pancakes that his mom was making him disregarded on the stove after the landline started ringing and the person on the other side of the phone told her that her son, her oldest, her baby, Camden, had died just an hour beforehand. Liam, not knowing what’s going on, but knowing that he needed to comfort his mom, goes up to the both of them and grabs her hand, his palm pressed softly against hers. She looks at her youngest, tears in her eyes as he asks, “What’s wrong mama?” his voice so innocent and sweet as the smell of burning pancakes flows through the house, she just ends up crying even more as his blue eyes stare into hers. Isaac walks down the stairs a few seconds later seeing David stand up to scrape the burnt pancakes off of the now ruined pan, and his mother on the floor choking back sobs as she motions for him to come closer to her and his brother, he sits down next to Liam on the floor confused as his mom hugs him and his brother. "What's wrong mama?" Liam repeats, after their mom lets go. Still trying to keep her composure Jenna looks at her youngest sons, with a look in her eye that Isaac hasn't seen since she told Camden, Jordan, Liam, and himself that their grandpa had died. "You two aren't going to school today." Jenna says, pulling her boys into her arms again, "Why not?" Isaac asks, "David and I got a call." she stops, taking a shaky breath in, "Camden died a little over an hour ago." she finishes. Liam pulls out of the hug face suddenly going from confused to on the verge of tears, Isaac's doing the same thing as he buries his head in the crook of his mother's neck. After a few seconds Liam hugs his mom and brother again, tears falling onto the back of his mom's shirt as sobs make his body shake.

Jenna calls Liam and Isaac's school telling the lady at the front desk that they won't be going that day.

At the end of the school day Brett, Mason, and Lori walk to the Dunbar-Geyer house to ask Liam why he wasn't at school, when Liam tells them they all crowd in for a hug as they sob.
That night Liam fell asleep re-reading the note he read that morning, the words having a new meaning to him.

Dear Li Li,

Happy birthday, buddy! I can't believe you're ten now, it seems like just yesterday you were brought home from the hospital. I miss you very much and I can't wait to see you again when I come back home. I hope you're doing well in school and that Mason,  Brett, and Lori are doing well. I'll write you another letter soon!

Love, Camden

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