Pri-Rada Himel of the Iryllurym stood with his arms crossed, overlooking an immense valley of lush forests and meadows. Between the patches of brilliant green hues, a river of crisp blue cut across the landscape, breaking into smaller tributaries as it neared the horizon. Himel's six wings lay against his back in resting position. But even retracted, their enormous size was intimidating.
The Pri-Rada turned his head and looked back over his shoulder as Sariel approached. "Join me," he said quietly.
Sariel glanced at the two massive guards standing a few paces away on each flank before stepping up to the edge of the cliff to join his superior.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Himel asked softly.
Sariel knew the Iryllur was leading up to something—making a point, but he decided to play along anyway. "Yes, my Rada."
"Would you have this valley given over to the Marotru?"
"No, my Rada. Of course not."
The Pri-Rada continued to stare out across the vastness of the tranquil beauty before them. "Then why have you come to me instead of working through your immediate superior, unless to voice your disagreement with the mission to a higher authority?"
There's the point, Sariel thought. "My Rada. I do, indeed, disagree with the mission. But it is not because I want to see the enemy win. I am Iryllur, just as you are. I remain faithful."
"But you are not ... just as I," the Pri-Rada countered, without raising his voice. He turned his head to look at Sariel and his numerous wings flexed slightly. "The higher orders have been tasked with thinking, and the lower orders with doing."
Sariel felt suddenly aware of his own wings—inferior in both size and quantity. He looked to the ground for a moment, then turned to the Pri-Rada. "Then why did you agree to meet, if not to hear my concerns?"
The superior turned his gaze back to the valley and crossed his arms. "Because I have concerns of my own. When someone under my authority voices opposition to our mission, it is a problem—"
"Regardless of the reason?" Sariel asked quickly.
The Pri-Rada inhaled slowly, pausing for a moment before answering. "Regardless ..."
Sariel could see his superior's irritation mounting, but his own frustration was quickly becoming more of a concern.
"The Viytur gather and analyze the intelligence. Myself, and the other Pri-Radas, turn the intelligence into useable information. And you soldiers act on it," he explained calmly, as if to a new recruit.
"I know the process!" Sariel blurted out, unable to control himself in the face of such ridicule. "I'm questioning the intelligence. Why are you assigning my strike team to this operation?"

Incarnation | Wandering Stars Volume One
FantasySince the ages before time was measured, the angelic races have existed. Unseen by our eyes, they move through creation, shaping our world, sustaining our existence, and battling demonic hordes. But the war is changing; the battle lines are expandin...