The following is a glossary of names, titles, terms, places, and characters that are used throughout this and subsequent books of the Wandering Stars series.
The vowels section below contains characters, or arrangements of characters, which are used in the pronunciation section of glossary entries. Each vowel sound is followed by an example of common words using the same sound.
The additional consonants section also contains characters, or arrangements of characters, which are used in the pronunciation section of glossary entries. These sounds are not used in the English language, but examples are found in other languages and are listed for reference.
Glossary entries contain the word or phrase, its correct pronunciation (including syllables and emphasis), the translation of the word or phrase, its culture of derivation, and a description. The format for each entry is as follows:
Word or phrase \pro-nun-ci-a-tion\ translation [Derivation] Description
[a] apple, sad
[ey] hate, day
[ah] arm, father
[air] dare, careful
[e] empty, get
[ee] eat, see
[eer] ear, hero
[er] early, word
[i] it, finish
[ahy] sight, blind
[o] odd, frost
[oh] open, road
[ew] food, shrewd
[oo] good, book
[oi] oil, choice
[ou] loud, how
[uh] under, tug
Additional Consonants
[r] roho (Spanish)
[zh] joie de vivre (French)
[kh] loch (Scots)
Ad-Banyim \ad-ban-yim\ First Between Waters [Shayeth] The first narrow strip of land between two bodies of water which Enoch crosses during his journey to Nowd.
Ad-Rada \ad-rah-dah\ First Rule [Angelic] The first, or highest position of rank among the Amatru.
Aden \ey-den\ Pleasure [Shayeth] The first place of human habitation on earth.
Amatru \ah-mah-trew\ Faithful [Angelic] The combined military forces of Eili who have remained faithful to the Saerin. The holy, angelic military. The Amatru is comprised of three original branches—Anduar, Iryllur, and Vidir—with a fourth branch, Saman—being added later in response to enemy tactics. Each branch is comprised of seven disciplines: Draepa, Vorda, Braegda, Vaeka, Frysla, Viytur, and Smyda.

Incarnation | Wandering Stars Volume One
FantasySince the ages before time was measured, the angelic races have existed. Unseen by our eyes, they move through creation, shaping our world, sustaining our existence, and battling demonic hordes. But the war is changing; the battle lines are expandin...