Blue Eyes

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Anne pov:

"Why are my eyes blue!?" I yelled and I jumped away from the mirror

"Did I put blue contacts in or something?" I reached up to try and take a contact out, and I poked my eye.
"Ow" well no contacts I guess..

"But why are they suddenly blue?? I've always had dark brown eyes" I said to myself as I stared in the mirror.

"The dream couldn't have been real... right?" I whispered.

"Anne! Come on! It's time for school! the bus will be here in five minutes!" My mom yelled at me up the stairs. "Coming mom!" I yelled back

'I guess I will figure this out after school..'

I ran down stairs, grabbed my lunch, and said bye to my parents as I got on the bus. As I sat down I saw saw someone who I've never seen before sitting in the seat across from me, she had black shiny hair, and a grey middle school hoodie with her hood up, and some green slightly baggy pants with brown shoes with neatly tied up white laces, she was looking out the window, was she sad? Happy? I couldn't tell.

'I've never seen her before, is she a new girl?' I thought, then she suddenly glanced at me, and I realized I had been staring, I quickly looked down at my feet. 'I hope she didn't notice'

I gave her a quick glance and saw her out of the corner of my eye giving me a small smile.

After about 10 minutes on the bus, I arrived at school, I don't have many friends so I gotta go find Twig and Molly before I get picked on

I walked inside and went to my locker and opened it to put my stuff in, when I closed it Twig appeared out of nowhere. "GAH! Twig! You scared me!"
I screeched, as he started to giggle. "You get scared too easily Anne" he laughed "also do you have contacts in or something? Why are your eyes blue?" He asked confused, then I remember about the weird dream.

"Oh Twig it's crazy man, I had this weird dream of a Domino goddess and they told me something about a prophecy or something, then a blue light woke me up, and when I looked in the mirror, my eyes changed blue!" I explained, he gave me a puzzled look.

"That's weird Anne, do you know why it happened? Do you need a doctor or something?" He said, "what? No Twig I'm fine, I don't feel anything" I said putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

My head started to swarm with thoughts that I knew weren't mine 'is Anne okay? Should I help her get a doctor or something? She shouldn't have an eye change like that it's not normal..wait WHY ARE THEY GLOWING??'

I gasped suddenly taking my hand off Twig's shoulder, what just happened!?? I thought to myself.

"Anne! Your eyes started to glow! And you look scared, are you sure you're okay??" He said with concern and a hint of fear in his voice.

"I-I'm fine!" But am I really? What was that?? "Time to get to class Twig! Nice seeing you, byeeee!!" I screamed running down the hall to my class

I started to freak out. 'What in the froggin world was that!? He said my eyes glowed, is that always going to happen!???'

I pushed those thoughts away and tried not to focus on it as I sat down in my desk ready for class.

Then the same girl from the bus walked in to the class, along with a blond haired girl who had a scar on her face and a jean jacket.

"Everyone! We have two new students in class!" The teacher spoke "this is Sasha Waybright and Marcy Wu, please make sure to give them a friendly greeting when you see them in the halls." he said, the girl called Marcy looked down shyly and shuffled her feet and Sasha just grasped her upper arms looking out at the class.

The only free spots in the class were on both sides of Anne, the two girls made their way to the back of the room and sat in the empty desks, Anne gave them both friendly smiles, and they smiled back shyly.

Class ended, the blond haired girl walked away down the hall and Marcy walked up to a bulletin board and looked at the posters, as I walked by I saw her eyeing up the chess club flier, and the ravenette walked away down the hallway towards the room where the chess club meet.

"Hey Anne!" I turned around to see Molly walking up to me "hey Molly! What's up?" I asked her "Twig told me your eye color changed over night and started glowing?? Has my brother lost his mind or is this true?" I looked at her 'what do I say??' "Well, uhh, I actually have no idea what is going on but I will figure it out, it's fineee" Molly looked unconvinced, "whatever you say Anne" she smiled and rolled her eyes "see ya around mol" I said and headed to my next class. 'Math class. Hooray.'

Time skip to lunch:

Anne sat down with Twig and Molly with her lunch
"Hey guys" I said "hey Anne" they responded, "did you see the new girl? Marcy? She is in my second class" Twig said "oh yeah! She's in my first class, along with another new girl named Sasha" I responded "oh I saw Sasha, she's in my band class, she's really good at electric guitar" Molly said taking a bite of her sandwich

"..Anne do you know where Marcy went? She looked nice, and she might be lonely because she's new, we should invite her to sit with us! And Sasha too," Twig exclaimed. "We should, but I don't know where Sasha is and I think Marcy is in chess club, but saw her going there earlier" I responded " they are probably fine, we will find them another time." Molly said.

I finished my food and got up "I'm going to get a soda, you guys want something?" "Nah I'm good" Molly said "no thanks" Twig said, then I started to walk down the hall.

I grabbed a toonie from my pocket and got a soda from the vending machine.

I started to head back to the cafeteria but I passed a class room with a big crowd of people in it, they were all cheering and gathered around some people. Someone left the room, but I stopped them "what's all the commotion about?" I asked, they turned to me "oh! Their is this girl who showed up at chess club a few hours ago and so far she's been unbeatable! She also has this crazy look in her eye that throws you off the second you look at her, it's crazy!" They responded and left, leaving me puzzled, 'who is this unbeatable girl everyone so obsessed about?'

I walked into the class and squeezed through the crowd of people, I looked over someone's shoulder and I saw the new girl. Marcy Wu.

And her eyes were glowing green as she stared down her opponent.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! This is so fun to write! Lol. BTW Molly is Polly and Twig is sprig.

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