Pink meets green

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Sasha pov:
I woke up to hear my parents yelling at each other
Typical I thought
I got up to look at myself in the mirror "why are my eyes still pink??" I said to myself, it probably will fix itself anyways and my parents would kill me if they ever knew about it so I had never said anything to them and had always kept my eyes down.

I gathered my things together and left for school before my parents could scold me.

I noticed the other new girl walking just ahead of me. She was looking at her Nintendo switch and not noticing that she was about to walk into a pole.

"ACK-" I sprinted after her and put my hand on her shoulder just in time, and she whipped around to face me.

"Can I help you..?" She said with a hint of uncertainty in her voice "ah, sorry you were just about to walk into that pole" I said gesturing to the pole in-front of her, and she turned to look.

"Oh! Heheh sorry I'm real clumsy and this stuff happens a lot" she said slightly embarrassed "eh it's fine" I protested

We started to walk to school again keeping a steady pace so we wouldn't be late for our second day at a new school "your new too.. right?" Said the raven hair girl "yep" I exclaimed and turned to look at her and I noticed she had these unreal emerald green eyes that looked sorta fake in a way "do you wear coloured contacts?" I asked "oh haha no I, uhm.. woke up with my eyes like this a couple days ago" she said with uncertainty in her eyes as she looked away, "huh, that's funny.. I woke up a couple days ago with my eyes like this too" I admitted without really realizing it, and she looked up at me.

"Woah, your eyes are like a crazy pink...kind of a coincidence both our eyes changed the same day" she said giving me a suspicious look "I know, it's weird.. it seems weird"

We walked in silence for a few moments

"..have you uh.. had weird dreams?" She asked cautiously and I felt a jolt of shock "um yeah I have, it has this huge cat in it talking about 'the three' and I'm part of it or something" why am I admitting this to someone I just met!???

She looked at me with a bit of disbelief "I've had those same dreams.. they also say I'm part of 'the three' they said I'm green and I'm supposed to look for pink and blue.. but It's just a weird dream I guess"

I looked at her in shock and thought for a moment then she asked before I could; "are you pink?"

I stopped walking and so did she. And I looked up at her slowly "that's what I've heard in the dream"

"What if it was a vision?" she said with sudden excitement "and we were chosen along with someone else to save the world?" She exclaimed

"But that's ridiculous, visions don't really exist... do they?" I asked

"Were you told you were destined to find blue and green to save the world?" She asked seriously "um yea.."  "then you must be pink! The one from my dream- er vision or whatever it was"

I stood in half disbelief " really think so?" "Oh, I have a real good feeling that it is you" "then are you green?"

The raven haired girl stood not saying anything for a moment "I guess I am"

We just stared into each others crazy coloured eyes in shock "then...who is blue?" I asked "I don't know..I guess we wait to find out" then suddenly we heard the bell ring in the distance. "Oh shoot! We better go, I have to get my books in my locker, see ya in class pink!" She said with half excitement running off to the school

"Wait!" She whipped around "what's your name? I'm Sasha Waybright" she smiled "I'm Marcy Wu. Nice to meet you, Sasha" ok Marcy, we continue this conversation later right?" "Yep! After school we can figure it out more" she said sprinting off, and I started after her to the school.


This was kinda short, I don't know when the next chapter will come out I will try to get more motivation. lol halp

Peace out y'all's :3

Word count:

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