Day 2: Forbidden Love

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Prompt: Write a forbidden love tale based on the theme of royalty.
Max. wordcount: 500 words
Note - I have no words for this abomination.

My life, in essence, was completed with everlasting hatred.

I pressed my ear flat against the cedar door of my posed father's study.

He was quite the character, similar to villains in storybooks. He was the villain who could be seen stomping away at the hero's hopes and dreams while simultaneously dragging himself further into the firey reaches of Hell. By no means could I have classified my father as a Saint, Angel, or any being capable of making the journey to Heaven.

I couldn't have completed the journey myself.

"I'll have their head!" my father exclaimed. I imagined his cheeks flushed and his nose turned bright red like that of a jester.

"Erwin, their blight is detrimental and undeniable. Though, is it punishable by death?" His most loyal confidant, Lord Fraden, uttered with clear apprehension in his tone.

"Downright! I shall have every last dollop back!"

"The action isn't fair!" Fraden boomed. "I tell you, the king left you unharmed after your blight! Are you such scum to be unmerciful?"

"Get out!"

"Farewell, Lord Erwin," Fraden spat, contempt layered thick.

Scurrying cross the corridor, I strolled out the grounds in a flight of fancy. Frederick will find this terrible news tremendous. Delighted, my feet flew faster. The pond beyond the wall stood there, frozen with cheered memories. Our terrible cheered memories.

Frederick sat at the water's edge, as always. "Prince?" I called.

"M'lady." He nodded. The corners of his mouth turned upwards.

"I have grand news."

"Do share." A mere toad could have noted that his voice had become uplifted.

I joined him by the liquid blue. "My father will disgrace himself soon."

"Brilliant." Frederick's eyes darkened while a callus smirk edged onto my face. We shared no words, knowing far better how the other was thinking. After all, this was part of our brilliant plan.

Fate claims that a lady and a prince are in reason to court. Though, not when said lady is the supposed daughter of a lord who owes the king pounds and not when the lord secretly desires to start a revolt against the king. So, it was quite poetic that Frederick and I eloped and would marry at my posed father's demise. You see, as it seemed, I despised my father. That phrase holds true.

I despised royalty more.

The cows who destroyed my old life. They thought we wouldn't remember.

They are the cows who sat on high horses while commanding knights in rusted armor. They were the cows who conquered village after village, taking children and women back with them.

My eyes now skirted cross the greedy pigs of this land atop a hill a distance away. My fury was relinquished and my mind was set on one goal. Frederick stood at my side, laughing a mechanical laugh as the castle combusted into flames. He was no prince, none that was real. He was stolen into royalty. As was I.

He and I were the Lethe.

Destruction lay on our path to restore this world. Full of magic.

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