10th chapter.

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3rd person POV:


It was math class and everyone had their notebooks and books open as they went through the formulas as quickly as they could while they waited for their teacher to arrive.

It was the 1st period only and they had a crucial maths test, the schedule they had made the other day where they would be explained the chapter for once one day, doubts and board tests the other and finally there would be a test that was going to be implemented from today.

As usual taehyung was sitting beside his friend, jimin who was sitting as relaxed as ever since he was the topper and knew all of the chapter anyways quickly went through the formulas as well, and one he was quite unsure of.. he asked his friend to quickly explain to him which he did. Taehyung was quite sure he will definitely pass today's test.

"Isn't Professor Jeon too late today? It's been almost 10 minutes since the class started. He's never this late." Taehyung found himself thinking out loud to jimin, he didn't even know he had blurted that out.

"Must be printing the test papers." Jimin just shrugged his shoulders as he laid out the possibility while idly checking out his nails that were painted black.

"Yeah probably-" his words were cut short when the loud teacher walked in while saying, "good morning kids!".. Jeon Jungkook is never loud.

"Good morning sir!" It was like some switch was turned on? In the students as everyone closed their books right away and stood up with huge smiles on their faces and the frown on their faces were wiped away when they saw who it was, the teacher's dimpled smile was too contagious.

"You all look too happy to see me today? Did you all have some test or what?" Namjoon questioned as he signalled them to sit down while he sat down on the chair as well.

"We did sir, it was a maths test." Jimin answered before anyone else could, his smile was almost blinding the way it was so bright and his eyes were almost disappearing as he answered him, his cheeks blushed red when Namjoon turned his attention towards him.

"You didn't study for the test or what jimin?" Namjoon had been teaching them for quite a while as well, him being one of the old teachers as well so he called most of the students by their name only, jimin being one of them.

"I did study, but everyone is a little nervous because it's Jeon sir who's conducting the test.. he's a little scary." Jimin was confident in the test, he was speaking on the other students'behalf. He was practically beaming as taehyung looked at him in surprise, as he conversed with the teacher who chuckled.

"I guess he is, even i get scared of him sometimes. If looks could kill you almost half of us would be dead by him.

But do you all want to know a secret?

Your scary mr.jeon looks like a bunny when he smiles." Namjoon said the last line while covering his mouth by one side as he whispered loudly.

Oh. Jungkook ssi smiles at Namjoon sir.

Taehyung didn't know why that stinged as he wondered where their teacher was but ofcourse he didn't have the courage to ask, though he could definitely ask jimin to do that.

"Seriously? Jeon sir can smile? I can't imagine that." One of the students chuckled like that was the most scandalised thing their teacher had said.

He does and it's the prettiest thing ever.

"He does and it's the prettiest thing ever." Taehyung snapped his head towards the teacher, he had just the thought the same thing but Namjoon said it out loud.

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