16th chapter.

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3rd person POV:


And jungkook let himself be selfish for once, after so long he decided not to think anything and just let himself be however he wanted to be and taehyung was surprised would be an understatement, he didn't let it show though as he went on with the flow.

The elder who was not the one for any kind of intimacy, wrapped his arms around taehyung's neck as he buried his head in his chest.. just taking in the physical warmth as he breathed slowly while hugging him.. without saying a single word.

They both were naked from head to toe but none of them could be bothered by it as taehyung invaded his fingers in his even longer hair as he scratched his scalp, while the hand that rested on his waist rubbing his back.

He could see the elder was overwhelmed, he didn't know the reason and he didn't bother asking because he knows the moment he mentions it, jungkook will pull away and ask him to go and will deprive himself off everything.

Though jungkook doesn't speak much, these past few months.. he has observed him enough to figure out this much about him.

Jungkook who seemed to be lost in the warmth as he thoughtlessly snuggled more into him, finally spoke.."can we.. can we take a bath? Together? Nothing sexual.. please?" Taehyung figured he was struggling to speak a little as he blinked his eye, droplets of water hung on his eyelashes that he didn't let fall.

He wishes he would let him in.. he really does but he won't force him for that because he knows.. the teacher will push him away altogether if he does.

"Ofcourse, jungkook ssi. Let's go." Jungkook still didn't let go and only snuggled into him more and taehyung took that as a hint to pick him up in a hug with a protective arm around his back and the other under his thighs to keep him in place.

"T.. thank you taehyung." Jungkook's brain was a mush with nothing but soft cotton-ey fuzzy feeling surrounding him. His eyes felt droopy but he wasn't sleepy.. he just wanted to take in all the warmth and care he was recieving from his younger who did that without any questions and willingly.

"Don't thank me.. hyung." Taehyung hesitated for a second before he decided to call him hyung and the elder man let out a voice that sounded really close to a satisfied purr.

"I like being called.. hyung.. it feels so.. like i have someone too.. like.. i am not all alone.." his words were slow like he felt like they weren't making sense to him but he was trying.. to let the younger in for once.

He might regret it later but he couldn't care enough right now. He just wanted to be cared for for once.

"Hyung..jungkookie hyung. You have me." Taehyung made him sit up on the counter, but the elder man didn't seem ready to let him go yet.

"It's.. scary to let someone in.. i can't have someone just to lose them.."jungkook whispered as he pulled just a bit away to stare up at the younger as he gently cupped his face.

"I am so scared, taehyung." He said in a shaky tone as he blinked his eyes to not let the tears fall from his eyes.

"Hyung.. you won't..you won't lose me. You have me, with you..i promi-." Before he could complete his words, taehyung's mouth was covered by the elder's hands who shook his head as he said.."i don't like promises."

"I will prepare the bath." It seemed jungkook was about to distance himself again, taehyung could notice so he decided to switch the topic quickly.. he could see the way he was contemplating and trying to pull himself out of the fuzzy feeling his mind was in just from his eyes alone and with the way he was slowly letting go of the hold he had on taehyung.

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