Demon Time 😈

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(A/N): Hiya, everyone!! This story will contain light mature themes! If this makes you uncomfy, you can read until you see the warning or simply skip to the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it!!


That one word was enough to describe how your relationship with Danny made you feel. The two of you had been friends for a while, and the vibe between you was genuinely good. You didn't get to see each other a lot because of your hectic schedule so things between you were awkward at first. When your schedule finally calmed, that changed for the better. The more you two hung out, the more you wanted to be around him. He was kind, smart, and his sense of humor often left you laughing until you cried.

His personality was beautiful, and it was his personality that made you fall for him. After months of ignoring how you felt about him, you finally got the courage to confess. Thankfully, he'd felt the same way and you agreed to build a healthy relationship with each other.

That had been a year ago. Now, you were officially dating each other and had been for a while. You had had ups and downs along the way, each of them strengthening the bond between you. You laughed together, you cried together, and you goofed off together. You were inseparable and the time you spent with him made you feel alive. You'd thought that being around him for as long as you had that nothing he did would surprise you. You were very, very wrong indeed.

Danny could be a huge dork at times, but now and then he'd do something that would completely throw you off. Sometimes he'd look at you a certain way or say something sly that left you wondering what the hell was on his mind. Though the things he did were small they managed to leave you breathless and confused every time. Recently, he'd taken a liking to seeing your reactions to the things he did. He enjoyed the look of shock on your face when he said or did something vaguely suggestive without warning. Whenever you tried to call him out on it, he simply feigned innocence and acted as nothing had happened.

More than a few times you wondered if it was just you being weird, but one day he did something so scandalous even he couldn't deny it. The morning had been pretty normal. You'd woken up and shot Danny a 'good morning' message before groggily starting your daily routine. You'd decided not to eat breakfast partly because you were running late for dance practice and partly because you felt like you were beginning to put on a bit of weight. After checking that you had everything you needed, you left the house and hopped into your car.

The ride to your studio was normal as well. The streets were busy with citizens on their way to whatever their day had planned. The weather was pleasant and the sun was shining perfectly on the fluffy clouds. It was a pretty good day.

Once you made it to the studio, your friends greeted you before you all started with warm-ups. The choreography had already been planned, so going through the moves and making small changes was fairly easy. Soon, you all finished and started packing up to head home. As usual, a conversation began amongst you all. "So (Y/N), how are you and the q-tip coming along?", your friend Gia asked with a smirk and an eyebrow wiggle. You chuckled and replied, "We're good! Nothing to report.". Her smirk grew at your words causing your other friends to look between the two of you in confusion. The subject eventually changed and you chatted for a few minutes more before going your separate ways. On your way to Danny's, you stopped to get food for him because you knew how easily he forgot about eating.

You made it there about 5 minutes later than usual but, you thought nothing of it. Using your keys, you made your way inside and announced your arrival. From upstairs you could hear something that vaguely sounded like, "You're late!". You rolled your eyes and muttered under your breath as you climbed the stairs. "I heard that!", he called out causing you to pause in shock and disbelief. After a brief moment of shookness, you continued your journey until you made it to his door. You opened it to see your boyfriend chilling at his desk doing something on his PC.

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