Striptease 13

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I woke up in my room with no idea how I got there and since the drapes were drawn, I couldn't tell if it was morning or night. There was no clock beside my bed to read the time. Dragging myself up I reached for my schoolbag to get my wristwatch and my hand touched something else.

Something slim I'd dumped inside days ago and completely forgotten about. The letter.

Bringing it out, I studied the envelope. The room was dark but from memory I knew my name was written on one side. Even though it didn't say who'd sent it, I suspected it was one of my parents and I wasn't sure if I wanted to read the contents. I dumped it on the bedside table and reached into the bag again for the watch.

Bringing it out a nob on the side made the screen glow green. Ten after 3. The sun must be blazing outside but my room was such a dark cocoon there was no trace of sunlight.

There was a knock then my door silently opened, holding a tray Mr. Michael was there in his usual house pants and cotton button down shirt.

"You're awake"

I nodded even though it wasn't a question. The light from the hallway created a halo around him.

"Apple juice" he said after flicking on a switch that filled the room with a soft glow. Handing me a glass, he dropped the tray on the bed then sat down to watch me drink it. Just like most of the other times he'd ordered me around, there was no need to say no because somehow it was actually want I wanted at that time. I hadn't even realised just how thirsty I was till he handed me the glass.

"Don't rush it" he drawled and I blushed giving it back to him half empty. He dropped it on the tray then removed the cover from the plate. Spaghetti and meatballs! How had he known?!

The food smelled so good a hand almost reached out of my tummy to grab the plate from him. The second he handed me the meal I promptly forgot his existence. It was as if it was my first meal in days and I devoured it with relish. It was until the last strand was gone I looked up and saw something incredible. He was shaking with silent laughter, the type that made tears stream from his eyes. It was as if he'd been fighting to control it but it came out anyway.

Clearing his throat he looked away and I could almost swear he was blushing. Maybe it was the food but my insides suddenly felt warm. He reached the glass just as I did, our fingers brushing for the first time ever and he sprang back, leaving me with the juice and tingling fingers.

He looked tense, like he was suddenly impatient to leave. Like he had better things to do than play nurse to a teenage boy. Maybe he did have better things to do but I wasn't ready for him to go. We barely said anything to each other but each time I spent with him was filled with pregnant silence. There was so much I wanted to know about him. Clarissa's story hadn't left the back of my mind since she told me and I wanted to know more. Of him. From him.

Not wanting him to leave yet, I drank the remaining apple juice as slowly as I could till I couldn't drag it out anymore. The food was gone and so was the drink but he still sat there looking down at the tray now placed on his lap, as if he was just as reluctant to end this, whatever it was.

"Thanks for the meal, sir. Did you make it?" I prodded, trying to make conversation.

"Yes" he said and the discussion died even before it began.

Taking a breath, I tried again, "Is Clarissa here?"

"She is with the Geoff's" at least it wasn't one word.

"So you weren't lying when you said you knew them" I blushed remembering that first night by the pool.

"No, Zoe is my foster sister" this time he finally turned to face me with a puzzled expression, "I thought she explained that to you in the letter"

The letter?

His eyes followed mine to the envelope resting on the bedside table, "I thought it was from my parents, I haven't read it yet"

"You should", he said getting up with the tray, "Find me if you have any questions"

I barely knew when he slipped out of my room, my heart was racing as I wondered why Mrs. G would write me a note. Why hadn't she just told me whatever she wanted to say? Was it that bad? Had something happened to my parents?

Wiping my suddenly sweaty palms on the sheets, I leaned forward and took the white envelope. A part of me wished Mr. Michael hadn't left.

Dear Dane,

I hope when you read this you'll understand my intentions are for the best. I know your parents are proud and in a way so are you, so I'm taking matters into my hands. I've made your parents an offer they can't refuse and so they have granted the rights of your wellbeing and sponsorship to a dear friend of mine.

I grew up with Clarissa and her brother in an orphanage home and till now I'm yet to meet more kind and loving people. Michael will be your guardian. He's wilful and stoic but he has a good heart deep down, he'll never hurt you intentionally. Clarissa is a butterfly, delicate and always happy to share joy wherever she is.

Helen assured me this letter will remain unopened till she hands it to you and I trust her to do so. Don't fret, I'll be next door to keep an eye on things. I wish I could have done something sooner to get you closer to Hart and us, I hope this makes up for my delay.

Remember you will always have a plate at our table,

Love, Mrs Zoe Geoff.


Folding it I placed it back in the envelope, dropping it carefully on the bed. So much that had happened to me this week now made sense but there were still some questions. Changing my clothes, I made my way to the kitchen. It was the central part of the house that sort of lead to everywhere. I was disappointed to find that he wasn't there but there was a sticky note on the fridge that said, "I'm in my office"

I knew the inside of the house like the back of my hand but the only two places I didn't know were his room and this mysterious office. Instinctively, my feet took me to those doors and I stopped before the one I'd seen him come out of that night. After Clarissa made me promise not to enter without an invitation, curiosity had been eating me alive.

Heart racing I knocked and waited.

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