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Esme pov

Around an hour and a half later Elliana barged into my room as i opened my eyes looking at her.

"Wanna go get a snackage and then target and then hopefully dinner?" she asked as i nodded.

"Lego!" she yelled going down stairs.

I laughed following her.

We got back into my car driving to a gas station.

"How are you guys going to do this?" I asked turning the car off as i had to get gas.

"Follow someone" Lev shrugged as i nodded.

"Totally not creepy" i said as we all got out of the car.

As they went inside i was pumping the gas and it was cold.

When i was done, got bored as they were still in the store.

I walked in seeing that they were following someone.

I walked over to them "Why dont you just ask what people suggest and get that?" I asked as they shrugged.

"Dumb ass's" I said going over and getting a slushy and a few snacks and then to the cash register.

Going back to the car a few minutes later they came out.

"Ready" I asked as they nodded.

"we have arrived" I sing sang as we got to target.

"Lego" Elly said getting out as Emily did the same.

"You okay" Lev asked as i nodded

"Amazing" I smiled grabbing my keys, purse and phone following them into target.

"Push away" I said as i sat in the cart as Elliana was standing on the side.

Lev began pushing us as Emily was recording.

"Slow down! Slow down!" I yelled when we almost ran into the toilet paper wall thing.

"Let me out. let me out" I said as Lev and Emily helped me out of the cart.

"So, what now" I asked pushing the cart as Emily and Elliana were in it.

"Dont know" Lev said putting his phone in his pocket.

We decided to get an early dinner so we could do face mask and stuff and then go and get dessert .

Elliana grabbed the camera "Okay guys so after Lunch we went home watched a movie, then we got snacks and stuff at a gastation which you just saw and then we walked around target i think we're going to culvers to get dinner and then home to do face mask and stuff" she said smiling and then turning the camera to Emily as she got really close.

"Im so hungry" she said in the camera laughing and then backing away as she turned the camera to Lev.

"Lev the people wanna know...are you hungry?" she asked as he turned to face as, as i was pulling into the drive through.

"Very" he said as i told them to shut up.

"Hey, welcome to Culvers what can i get for you"

"Hi, can i do whatever the person in front of me got and then a Double cheeseburger and a Nutella shake" I asked.

"Yes it'll be $43.52" he said as Elliana looked at the camera wide eyes.

"Damn" she said as i was going to get my card but Lev stopped me and gave me his.

"Are you sure?" I asked as he nodded smiling.

"So, what did you guys get" I asked eating some fries.

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