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Ever since yesterday I haven't been able to get that ghost boy out of my head. Iv'e been tossing and turning in my bed ever since I got home. I have so many questions. What was his name? How long has he been dead? How did he die? What was my relationship with him when I died? Is one of the people in that manor his wife or husband? Wait... What was that last one?! What would it matter if he had a significant other. I don't like him do I? The image of the ghost boy waltzing alone in the middle of the empty ballroom entered my mind again. The same image of how he waltzed around so wistfully yet perfectly played in my mind on repeat. I couldn't help my self but notice how beautiful he looked. I suddenly found myself wishing I was standing in the empty space in his arms. SHLATT YOU ARE NOT FUCKING GAY GET THAT THOUGHT OUT OF YOUR HEAD. I rolled off my bead and thumped onto the floor. I groaned in pain as my head hit my night stand. I really need to talk to Puffy right now. I stood up off of my bedroom floor and walked out of my bedroom to Puffy's room.

When I got there I hesitantly knocked on her door. "What do I owe to have the pleasure of a visit from my dear baby brother?" she asked as she opened the door.

"Shut the hell up I am not a baby. I need to talk to you." I demanded while walking past her.

"Your still a baby in my eyes." she said while pulling out her desk chair and sitting on it backwards. "So what does my oh so incredibly independent little brother need help with?" she asked teasingly.

"I think I like a guy." I told her, getting straight to the point.

"Awwwwww so my baby brother cant except the fact he might be a little gay?"

"Puffy this is serious I don't know what to do. What if my friends all find out and they hate me? What if it gets out that I like him? What if i screw things up? What if-" I started to panic and pace back and forth in her room.

"Alright calm down Johnathan sit down on my bed tell me about him. When did you meet? Whats his name?" she told me, starting to worry.

"Well I don't know his name. I met him just today. The thing is Puffy... Hes a ghost. Hes not exactly alive." I told her as I sat down on her bed.

"Well that's something I never expected to hear from you. How did you meet him?" She questioned

"Well me and the guys went to this haunted mansion I heard of and we met him there. Tod played some old record and he appeared there with us. He was dancing the female part to a waltz my drama teacher taught us. I can't get that scene out of my head. He looked so sad yet his movements where perfect. He was beautiful. Handsome? I cant find the right word. I want to see him again. He told me I looked like an exact copy of a person he knew. He even knew my name. He told me I had a son named Toby in my past life that I abandoned. I cant help but feel bad for the kid why would I do such a thing?  I was also the president of a fallen country. This is all so confusing." I told her slightly ranting.

"Awww your such a hopeless romantic but thats besides the point. You dont have school tomorrow so why dont you go see him again? I can cover for you. Trust me. I love you with every fiber of my being and if it wasn't you covering for me all of those times i wouldn't be dating Minx right now. Go see your little ghost boyfriend you don't have anything to worry about." Puffy ruffled my hair frantically and plopped down next to me.

"Thank you so much Puff I don't know where i would be right now without you." I hugged her gratefully.

"It's no problem." she said "Now get your behind to bed you have a boyfriend to see tomorrow!" she demanded while literally kicking me out her bedroom door.


||Falling in love with a ghost|| {Schlattbur highschool AU} Where stories live. Discover now