🤍Imagine Performing With Mayhem...

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TW‼️: blood (?), self harm

Requested By: whimsical_ane

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Requested By: whimsical_ane

You knocked once more with your gloved hand on the door to the honestly creepiest location you'd ever been sent to. An old, rundown cabin in the middle of nowhere, inhabited by four possibly satanic black metal musicians. If the Aarseths hadn't been close family friends since before you were born you would've been sure they sent you here to be murdered or sacrificed. You'd been knocking for about ten minutes, standing with a rather large Tupperware box filled with spaghetti bolognaise that you were instructed to give to your childhood best friend, Øystein Aarseth, by his mother despite the fact you hadn't seen this man in fourteen years. You looked around the side of the cabin again to see a car parked there, confirming that the bastard leaving you standing in the cold was in fact home as there was nowhere within walking distance of the remote location worth going.
"Øystein!!!"You shouted."Øystein Aarseth!!! Open up, asshole!!! I know you're in there and it's fucking freezing out here!!!"
You groaned in annoyance that your time had been completely wasted but before you could take more than two steps towards your car you were startled by the sound of crunching leaves and twigs from the forest.
You stopped, keys in hand to see two men running out of the woods, laughing like little boys and even though his hair was much darker than you remember it and he was a good deal older you recognised one of them right away. Judging by the smile that crept onto his lips once he laid eyes on you, he recognised you too.
"Y/N?!"Øystein stopped at the edge of the trees and called over to you, head tilted to the side as if trying to check if it was really you.
You mustered an awkward smile and waved."Yeah, uhm hi."
"What are you doing here?"He questioned, jogging up to meet you."I thought you moved in with that girl from the band you were joining, oh what was her name-?"
"Minna."You reminded him."Yeah, I moved back a few weeks ago when her parents made her get a 'real' job and she quit."
Øystein rolled his eyes."Fuck them."
"That's what I said but then we got in a huge fight and she did what they told her to anyway."You explained before you heard a clearly, exaggerated cough.
You looked up behind Øystein to see his companion from earlier staring at you kind of intensely. You looked him over, noticing he was basically Øystein's polar opposite, if you disregard the fact they were both as pale as ghosts. The other man at least a head taller, his hair was longer and blonde, his eyes were a beautiful shade of blue and his clothes basically hung off him, like they would if you dressed a skeleton. Looking at him beside Øystein, the contrast was almost comical.
"Y/N, this is Dead."The guitarist told you, bringing your attention back to him.
You raised an eyebrow."Dead?"
"Pelle."The blonde man spoke, his voice calm and quiet."Dead is my stage name."
"Oh so you're Mayhem's new vocalist."You nodded before looking to Øystein."Your mum mentioned you made a new friend."
"I don't have friends."He replied grimly. You couldn't help but smirk as you saw the guitarist's jaw lock and his eyes glare disapprovingly at you, before they landed on the Tupperware box you'd forgotten you were still holding."That for me?"
"Oh, yeah."You barely were able to hand it to him before he snatched it and roughly kicked open his front door so he could stomp inside."Your mum was worried you and your friends weren't eating and-"
"I don't have friends!"He shouted back out to you like a stubborn child.
"Whatever you say."You and muttered under your breath, smirking wider.
You heard a chuckle from beside you, you jumped a little to see Pelle now at your side with a smile."He means to say thank you."
"I really don't think he does."You smiled back as he stepped into the cabin, you opened your mouth to announce your leave when he turned.
"Are you gonna come in?"He raised an eyebrow, his blonde hair falling over his face.
"Oh I don't think I should, I just came here to drop off the food and he doesn't seem to want company."You explained.
"I live here too."Pelle pointed out."And I-"
"Pelle, would you close the goddamn door?!"A shout, obviously from the moody guitarist, came from inside the cabin."You're letting in a draft!"
"You know what, if it'll piss him off more I think I will come in."You told Pelle.
"Be my guest."The vocalist gestured to the doorway."Unless you're a vampire or something."
You laughed before making a dramatic show of walking through the doorway."That was my stage name actually."
"Really?"Pelle looked you over and though it was less intense than the way he had stared before he still took his time raking his eyes over you, it made you shiver internally.
"Well actually it was vampyrjente."You corrected once he was back looking you in your eyes."But same thing I guess."
Before either you or Pelle could say anything else a long string of profanities came screaming from somewhere deeper in the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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