Chapter 3

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"Not really. We had each other, so It wasn't hard when I was alone. Yes, they were annoying. But I think that's one of their charms." Kayden spoke fondly of the younger teen.

Both Kayden and [Name] lived in certain circumstances for them to turn out the way they were, but they had each other, [Name] would follow Kayden around when they were younger and cling to him, the only adult they have ever trusted in life.

As mentioned, Kayden had taught [Name] what they know, but any new thing that they reveal is all their doing and shows how they're truly capable.


[Name] hummed as they continued to pack their things, letting their guard down a bit, it won't be long till wind of them being here would come, but for now, they still have the time they need to pack and find a new place to stay.

They packed their back pack and brought what they thought was necessary, they didn't have anything else aside from a few clothes, small empty bottles, and a worn notebook.

As they were about to throw their backpack over their shoulder, a voice talked to them.

"It must be tiring moving from one place to another. " It said.

[Name] looked up at the cieling and stared, "Is that you God? " They asked in disbelief.


They turned around and was met with a man in a green suit.


"Are you a pervert? "

"Ah- I'm here to help you. You may not be a new awakened. But you're a minor who will need protection and guidance. " He said, slowly approaching [Name] as to not startle them.


"Why would I need help from an adult? The last time I trusted adults I was mistreated." They said as they settled the straps of the backpack on their back and got ready to leave the building.

"I know you may not want to fully trust us, but we are willing to protect you and help you, because you are an awakened living in our area. " The man said.

"No. I won't be living here for long. As you said, I move from one place to another. "


"At least take our offer into consideration. " He said before letting [Name] leave, if Shinhwa has approached them, then they've approached Jisoo... Jihu? Jihoo.. Jiwoo? They couldn't remember.

They'd quickly ran off and was heading towards the direction of the boys house, not after long they've left him, as they were approaching his house and jumped into this backyard, they didn't notice the door was closed.

But since it was a glass door, they didn't notice.

"Jisoo! Ha-" *thud*

Their head was thrown back as they lost their footing and was trying not to fall backwards.

From within the house, Jiwoo and Kayden watched with wide eyes as they looked at the teenager who just hit their face against Jiwoo's glass door, "Ah! [Name]! " Jiwoo quickly got up and went open the door.

Worriedly looking at the teenager who was craddling their face within their hands, mumbling a string of curses as they rubbed the stinging area.

Kayden walked behind Jiwoo and watched as the young awakened mumble profanities under their breath, "Are you alright? " Jiwoo slowly approached [Name] but stopped when they raised their hand to stop them, "Did a strange man ask you to like join their affiliate or something? " They brought their head up and looked at Jiwoo, their eyes looking into his.

"Uh.. Yes? " Jiwoo took a step back when [Name] stood up to full height, he now noticed the backpack straps that was settled on top of their shoulders, "Okay good. Don't trust adults. " They said before preparing to leave.

"Wait! " Jiwoo stopped them with a hand on their wrist, "What's up? You know I can't stay for long. " They reminded him as they tried to get his hold off of them, "I just want to tell you that if you need a place to stay.. I'll always be here. " Jiwoo said with a smile.

"How ridiculous, We've barely known each other. " [Name] said as they pulled their hand back, "... Though, thank you for the offer. People will recognize me even if I conceal my power. " They said.

"Then we can change how you look! " Jiwoo suggested.

It was not too bad, they could look more cool and stay in place, and Jiwoo also has a lot of cats so that's a pro to living with him.


'There's no way they'll agree to that.. ' Kayden sighed, although he'll be a little disappointed since he never got to properly have a reunion with them..

"Okay! "

"Wonderful! "

"???? " -Kayden

The more I write, the more I think that this fix is a crack fic more than a serious one. Though it's just probably going to be this chapter that's going to be light hearted.


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