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SLAP!! Tears started to fall one by one from Denmonts eyes as he realized what his father had just done. "YOU WRETCHED BOY YOU'RE NO SON OF MINE!!"

Denmont just stood there trying to calm himself wondering *i'm sure I haven't done anything this time what is he going off about* as he attempted to reach out and calm his father once again SLAP rang around the room "DO NOT TOUCH ME" his father lowers his head and slowly says " i want you out of my house by tomorrow i don't want to whole town to know my son is a DAMN QUEER"

"I-i-uh" Denmont said as he tried but failed to even form a sentence due the pure shock he was in. Denmont had finally processed what his father had said ...............



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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