A Valentine's Day without Camlann - Nick POV

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"Your tie looks fine, Nick, I promise," William chuckles without looking up from his biochemistry textbook at my desk. It's the third time in the last ten minutes he's voiced this sentiment. No matter how much he reassures me, I can't stop fidgeting with it. Will Bree like the sky-blue color? I know she says that blue brings out my eyes, and she adores that. But, it's Valentine's Day; should I have gone with the pink or red, because hearts and stuff?

"Look, Nicholas," Sel mutters from the corner. He's leaning against the wall, looking far beyond bored. "If you spend too long fretting over your appearance, you will lose the chance to enjoy hers. Pick a jacket and get on your way before you end up late."

"You're right," I mumble, shifting my focus to my closet. I have navy slacks on, as well as a white shirt to accompany the tie. My shoes are an almond brown, as is my belt, and my socks are the same sky blue as my tie with little white clouds on them. I think, if I remember anything from my father's lessons about being well dressed, that a navy blazer is my only option.

I shrug it on, straightening out the shoulders and sleeves. I take one last look at myself in the mirror I hung on the back of my bedroom door. Felicity practically forced me to borrow it for the occasion, emphasizing the importance of looking sharp for a first Valentine's Day together.

William stands up from my desk and Sel pushes off the wall. I turn as they approach me, their eyes surveying my outfit, my hair, and finally my face.

"You look nervous," William says, a frown pulling down the corners of his mouth. He gives my shoulders a squeeze. "She has seen you in all forms, from aether armor to pajama pants. You have no reason to be nervous about what she'll think. Not to mention, she saw you in your finest at the gala. You've got this."

"I know," I mumble, looking at the floor. "I just...it feels different. She's going to look beautiful. She always does. I just want to give her the best night possible."

"This is Briana we're talking about," Sel says, fixing me with a firm look. "She will cherish any alone time you two can share. She adores you."

I think of how much I enjoy our time together, the simple pleasure of just existing in each other's presence. They're right. This is going to be a great night, not because of what I wear or where we eat, but because we get to spend it together.

"Thanks, guys," I sigh, rolling my shoulders and giving my hair a little shake so it falls more naturally. "I think I'm ready."

"Tell Bree I say hi," William says, grabbing his textbook to return to his own room. "And tell her to send me a picture of her 'fit. I'm sure she's going to look amazing."

"Will do," I reply with a grin as he exits. I move toward the door myself, but Sel stays put. I glance back at him and notice his furrowed brow, so I wait for him to say whatever is keeping him here.

"I hope you enjoy yourselves tonight," he says quietly, raising his eyes to meet mine. "I truly mean that."

His tone is gentle and his eyes are soft, so I believe he is genuine. I know he struggles sometimes, feeling like an outlier at times given all that has happened. He has been surprisingly respectful in the past few months, giving us our space and keeping his focus elsewhere. I do feel for him though, especially after he opened up about his previous feelings for me and the complicated dynamic that existed between him and Bree before. But that is all behind us now. My relationship with Sel is on the mend, as is Bree's, and the three of us look out for each other. He is making a conscious effort, and his sincerity doesn't go unappreciated.

"Thank you, Sel," I say, giving him a small nod. "I appreciate it more than you know."

He returns my nod but doesn't speak again. We let the exchange sit in the air between us for a moment, feeling the gravity of how much wasn't said. But it didn't have to be. Our bond makes it so, sometimes, we don't have to speak everything aloud. Sometimes, the feelings are simply understood. I give another nod, this time more to myself than anything else. I step out the door, leaving it open for Sel to depart whenever he is ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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