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"Rumor has it, that there is a ghostly student in this school"

"It is said that she only comes for exams and vanishes for the rest of the year"

"You don't know her? Well this is the tale of Mayu, and her pursuer"

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'This is it! This time for sure, I'll talk to her, I wonder if she's even real though.... But whatever, we'll know next-

"Hello? Momo-chan? Earth to Momo-chan earth to Momo-chan" Kaoru pokes at the girl standing on her chair.


"What is it." Mamoru huffs, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Tables are for working on, eating from, or placing stuff on. Not for standing on." the brunnette narrows her eyes as she stares down her friend, still standing on the table.

Mamoru shrinks under her authoritive gaze "Tsk, I was just having some fun."

"What were you mumbling to yourself anyway?" she adds while they both pack their things "Is it about 'Mayu' again? Why are you still so obsessed about that... Rumor"

"I dunno, I just follow whatever peaks my interest, and she does so why not pursue it, it's not like there's any harm in doing so" The night air hits Mamoru's face as they leave the school, the evening breeze filling her lungs with the smell of the old rain.

"You almost fell off the window trying to 'double check' that the girl you saw was her" she pushed her point while her face dead panned at the statement.

Mamoru's already tired eyes rolled at the tone of her voice. "Yeah yeah I may be a little too obsessed" She didn't believe her, it only happened once and she was 95% sure it was really the infamous Mayu. Sure she's only met her at school once during the 1sr quarter exams- but even with that short sighting, that moment was already embedded in her mind and she never let it go since. "Don't tell me you're tired of hearing my theories as to why she almost never attends, it's not like this is the first time I became so absurdly obsessed by a topic. You knew that since the day we met"

"No it's not that" Kaoru fidget with her zipper. Her face turning into a face of worry and concern. "I just don't want you to get hurt"

Mamoru stops her pace, memories of the last time she took someone seriously, but her carefree person brushed the feeling off knowing it's better to forgive and forget. "Ohhh I'll be fine. Besides... I have you to pick me up when I fall... Harder..." She fakes a smile to soothe her friend's worries.

Kaoru looks away for a second and sighs, before patting the air-head's back "If you say so"

They seperate ways when they arrived to their homes.

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"I'm hooommme! Oh no." Mamoru's seven dogs pile up on her, taking away her right to-



"OW LOUIE STOP-ACK NO NO NO DON'T DO THAR-MAAAA HEEEELLPP" Mamoru continues in her swimming of the doggoes, regretting not entering quietly in a ninja-like manner... Like she usually does.

Her mom came in and started shooing the dogs away with her mighty spatula, greasy and all. The smell of her cooking already making Mamoru's tunny ache. "Is the food done yet?" she whines, fixing her uniform after the dogs crumpled it and almost stripped her.

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