. jealousy jealousy

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T/W & Warning: yandere!aki, violence, angry sex, dub con, degradation, abuse

"It was just a friendly conversation!"

You shouted, your voice hoarse from quarrelling and yelling all day.

"You don't fucking understand how men think."

Aki's voice thundered across the living room. Although it wasn't loud, it held a piercing aggression you've never heard before from him, causing you to flinch. Even so, you stood your ground.

"And you don't understand how friends wor–"

Before you could finish, Aki's palm had made contact with your cheek: causing your head to whip to the side. The impact of it was hard enough for you to feel woozy, followed by the stinging pain radiating across your jaw. Stunned for a moment, his fingers dug into your hair – grabbing you by the fistful of tresses to drag you to the balcony. You couldn't even retaliate as he forced you to kneel on the cold floor in front of his seat.

"Aki I–"

"Just shut up."

He hissed as he sat down on the chair in front of you. Pressing his left foot down hard on your thigh to keep you knelt on the cold floor. You bit back your voice, afraid to receive another blow from him if you made a single sound. Your gaze trails up to him, watching as he carefully lit up a cigarette. It was a sort of stress relief after the constant bickering.

Aki takes a long drag from the bud, relishing the nicotine rush before exhaling it directly in your face. You scrunched your nose as the scent of smoke cascades around you. The dark-haired male sighed, seeming lost in thoughts before his eyes focused back on you.

"Come closer, love."

Ah... once again, those endearing words he calls you, which were a rough contrast from his rough actions.

His foothold on your thigh eases away. Allowing you to scoot closer between his legs while you meekly peered up at him; as if awaiting his next order. Aki's free hand rustles at the belt and buckle, freeing his erect manhood from its fabric prison. His hand wrapped around the lengthy member before swinging it against your face with a light chuckle. Intentionally slapping his dick against the cheek that he had just delivered a blow to. You winced, feeling the stinging sensation bolt across your jaw as you quietly received it for his amusement.

"Stick your tongue out for me."

He ordered, before taking another long inhale from the nicotine bud, and you gladly complied. Extending your tongue, Aki's hand reached for your mouth. His thumb pressing down on your tongue as the rest of his fingers cupped your jawline to keep your mouth open. In one switch motion, Aki presses the cigarette tip to your tongue. Alarm bells rang in your head as you desperately try to squirm away from him but his tight grip on your jaw kept you locked in place as you were unable to move your head. The burning ash extinguishes on the moisture of your tongue while saliva begun to pool and dribble out your ajar lips. The ashy grit scatters on the moist surface, leaving a burning and unpleasant taste.


"Remember this scar the next time you want to act like a whore again."

He hissed, twisting the faded bud a few more times for good measure before tossing it aside.

At this point, your eyes were glassy and listless. The momentary pain had left you shocked as you knelt there with your tongue stuck out; unsure on how to react. It burnt, throbbing like a painful reminder or his ruthless love. Seeing you in this state, it amused him. The oh-so obedient side of you that he wanted for himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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