A Drunken Devil

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For comedic and story purposes they cannot just sober up in this universe like they can in the show lol. Also, it's been a long time since I've written so forgive any weird grammar, phrasing, or anything else that's strange please. Thank you!

The familiar voice of Lucifer himself rang in his ears, "oh lord in heaven..." as if on cue, the doors to the chapel swing open and in came the red-head himself, draped in black and stumbling like a madman. "Oh- OH there he is! Oh my angeeeel" the man slurs his words and comes in further, tip tapping and practically jumping on his heels as the floor of the church burned his feet. Lucky for them the chapel wasn't full that day, and those who were there just stared in confusion at the one who threw open the doors. Aziraphale was quick to rush forward from his seat, "good heavens how did this man get in? Haha, continue your service father I will be sure he gets proper help..." he attempts to pull Crowley outside but the demon resists. "Oh angel are you embarrassed of meee? After all these years..." the advisor puts his hand over the drunk man's mouth, afraid of what he might say. There was so much he could spout about that Aziraphale wouldn't be able to bare if all these people heard. Whispers and judging looks were thrown at the two of them, the priest hadn't said a word and merely crossed his arms, still annoyed his service was interrupted. "But angel!" He pulled the hand off his mouth and groaned, "I do what I waaant I'm a demo-" but before he can continue Aziraphale practically smacks his hand back over his mouth.

Oh goodness I'm going to say a cuss word-

Irritated whispers spread like wildfire. "That is it!" Aziraphale raised his voice, but quickly cowered back down, "ah oh, I mean...sorry uh, I don't know what he's doing here...haha...good day!" He said quietly as he yanked Crowley outside. "But I'm a demo-" the doors slammed shut behind them. Silence echoed in the chapel, and not a word was said.

"You...You! Oh you must be looking to get me in trouble! You know that information will get is both in so much trouble!" He put his hands on his head and groans worriedly. His mind was racing, the two of them could get cast out, he could get put in prison, they could lose their homes! Oh and Crowley just almost outright stated he was a demon! I mean, most people know when someone is but Crowley had left their town to lay low for a while after he was caught turning into a snake. Only some believed the person who saw but that was enough for him to leave. "Crowley what were you thinki- oh..." when the angel turns back around to look at him he's on the ground, face in the dirt, snoring. It had been so long since he had seen the serpent, and while he was surprised and still upset about his sudden loud return, seeing him again...he couldn't help but let the corners of his mouth curl up. After some stretching he bent to pull up the demon and help him back home where he could get him to bed.

Once inside he laid the other down on a plush chair, but still sitting up a bit, "Crowley...hey..." he gently pats his face. The man opens his eyes and groans, "hm? Wha?" "Here..." he lifts a small saucer of water to the man's lips, leaning his head back to help him drink. He does this a few more times, making sure he gets enough. "Stay awake for me okay?..." Aziraphale moves to the stove, his cottage was small so the kitchen was only a few steps from his little dining space. Making some quick and easy soup. Spoonful after spoonful he feeds it to the demon, not knowing for sure when it was he had eaten last, and merely wanting to be sure he had some food in his system. After cleaning up, he stayed sitting nearby and just decided to keep an eye on him, they had so much to discuss. Luckily, Crowley was quickly out-cold after having a full belly.

Goodness, what am I going to do with you...my...sweet Crowley.

The next morning, the demon awoke to the unfamiliar weight of something against him. When Crowley opened his eyes the last thing he was expecting to see was the angel he loved laying against him. "Oh...OH-" he tries desperately to not be loud a wake the other. Aziraphale just stirs a little and holds tighter, "Angel...Angel!" Crowley whisper shouts, "Mm...what?" The tired man groans, when he wakes up more and realizes how he's holding the demon he's quick to jump up and let go. "Oh dear I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed, face as red as a poppy flower. Crowley was embarrassed but mostly trying to remember the events of last night, everything was one big wine filled blur.

The angel is quick to jump up and move around the sliding panels in the main room to change, "Well let's just forget about all that! I am happy to see you, but we should get you out of here..." the demons just groans and gets up quick, trying not to lose his balance. "Angel I don't understand why you stick around here, you know we can go literally anywhere else." Aziraphale is quite for a moment, "I just have business here..."

It bothered the red-head that he clearly wasn't being told something, of course Angel didn't always immediately talk to him about certain things, but it wasn't hard for him to get the information out sooner or later. So he didn't push it just yet. "Well I'll figure my way out, I don't really need you to come with me..." he yawned, moving to the stove to make himself a cup of coffee. "Nonsense, I'd most definitely feel better seeing you out of the city with my own eyes-" as the angel continued to talk, droning on about his worry over the demon, Crowley couldn't help but let his eyes glance over to where his voice was coming from. The sliding panels that Aziraphale was changing behind were only so big, and at the angle it was at, Crowley could just barely see the glowing pale skin of the angel's back. Without realizing his eyes had drifted down, but he quickly looked away before they went too far. Now it was hard to tell which surface was burning hotter, the mug in his hand, or his own red tinted face.

"Crowley!" The sound of his angel's slightly raised voice made him snap out of his fantasy real quick. "Yes! Uh yes?" He rubbed the back of his neck, "did you even hear a word I just said?" He huffed and crossed his arms, reminding Crowley very strongly of an angry bunny. "Well what does that matter, let's just get out of here." Aziraphale rubs his temples and grabbed his satchel before making sure Crowley hadn't moved any of his things around too much.

As soon as they were both all ready, the angel grabbed the door handle and turned to Crowley, "disguise yourself, we're going to the market!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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