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╔══════════════╗chapter eight ╚══════════════╝

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chapter eight

"Why don't you come with me instead of Edward? You'd get to see mom again," Bella questioned before throwing away the container of food that Killian bought for her at the diner. Well, there wasn't much food left over after Bella got a hold of it. This was the second time this week that her brother had gone to the diner to buy food to help ward off suspicion from the town folk.

Killian was too busy putting a bed together in the bedroom that would become Rose and his after realizing that the couch was not a great cuddle spot for the new couple. If that was what they were. Since that first night where they learned the truth of the other, Rose has come over every day to spend time with him.

It didn't matter what they did. Cuddles on the couch with watching movies. Rose tinkering away on Killian's Jeep when he complained of a weird noise when he would get into third gear. Or even when Killian had to work on his networking job to gain an income, Rose was there with him with a book in her lap.

Despite being mates and accepting each other as so, Killian still wanted to do the human thing of taking her out on dates and introducing her has his girlfriend. He even wanted to take her to meet Charlie.

This was something that he should probably tell his sister about before her blabber mouth of a boyfriend says anything.

"Bella, I haven't seen or spoken to Renee in like six years," he didn't look up from the screw he was twisting into the almost finished head board. "Plus, you know how weird it would be if I went and never went outside? Edward already looks like a weirdo, so he won't be judged too harshly anyway."

"Just when I was thinking that you were starting to like me," Edward jokingly speaks up knowing that Killian already knew he was within hearing distance and inside the house. "And what makes me look like such a weirdo to you?"

"Well, for one that fluffy hair swirl you got going on. It looks like you saw a new look in some teens magazine and decided to try to copy it with a lot of hairspray," he jokes with the bronze haired vampire before chunking the screw driver behind him when the last screw was in place. "And you're dating my sister. Only a weirdo would fall for her clumsy and awkward self."

"Ha ha," Bella says sarcastically crossing her arms over her chest not having enough time to come up with a good come back. "But mom still hasn't tried to contact you since you've been back?"

Killian only flips the new mattress onto the frame while letting out a simple, "Nope."

Edward only looks down at Bella wanting to read the thoughts that spoke volumes across her facial expression. He may not be able to read her thoughts, but he's grown accustomed to reading her facial features to know what she was thinking. She didn't look happy. In fact, she looked royally pissed off. "So even when she realized that she buried an empty casket for nothing, she didn't even try to call you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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