tell me, will you choose life?

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notes: this is a reupload from my ao3, please do not repost anywhere else. 

i just . i have no idea why and how i ever even got into this ship. simply looked at my twst favs and went "ooo they look super cute next to each other" then "THEIR SHIP NAME IS WHAT." and here we are. hell. the trenches. the glorious masquerade event story was my final straw. looked at it and went: yeah im gonna write for this one. um anyways enjoy the fic !! this is dedicated to that one tiktok video i can no longer find, and appletart nation who lives off crumbs. it's ok. it'll be ok.

important note: i sort of based yuu on my own twst insert so please treat them as if you would with any other yuu. that's it, peace!

"riddle, i understand your sentiment, but you do realize that this project is for the first years, don't you?" yuu clicked their tongue, pushing up their glasses, careful enough to not let any form of irritation slip onto their face. their smile was crooked and it was quite evident they'd been trying their very best to stay calm, to be very sure that the frustration and dismay they'd been feeling would not show at all. after all, being composed as possible is what they needed in this situation.

in response, riddle stepped forward, arms crossed on his chest. an eye twitched upon listening to each word yuu spilled. "and i'm doing this to make up for my first years' unavoidable shortcomings. as much as possible, i wouldn't like for heartslabyul's name to be dragged through the mud. even so, it is unlike deuce to suddenly slip and sprain his foot, something that is rather suspicious. as his dorm leader, it is only right for me to fill in for him. besides, this storyline is your idea, was it not?"

"replying to a question with another... you children these days have no sense of respect, do you." yuu (who was eighteen years of age at the time) pinched the bridge of their nose and shut their eyes tight. they thought about it for a second, defeated, they finally gave in: "yes, it is my idea and i take full responsibility for it. how will i explain the sudden change of actors for the male lead? surely, since you're trying to salvage this already ruined show, you must have a plan? you are the esteemed dorm leader of heartslabyul, are you not?"

to be quite honest, yuu had no hopes for what's to come next. there's no time to rehearse, the curtains would lift in less than twenty minutes. not only that, they'd forgotten to cast a backup for the male lead since they were confident that they wouldn't be needing one. even if they did decide to cast riddle now, how would they explain this change in leads to the audience and the teachers? in short, it'd be close to impossible to even save the show, no matter what they do. ironic, its almost as if the tragedy from the script had come to life all of a sudden.

there was a slight ache in yuu's heart while processing the cold, hard truth. they had seen how hard everyone worked to make the show a success. jack and ace did most of the heavy lifting with setting up the stage, the backstage area and the like. sebek and his loud voice had every single first year do their work as orderly and proper as they could, all because he was in charge of managing the cast themselves. of course, deuce and epel, who were the leads for the play, did what they could despite not being used to acting. even grim, who deemed the project too much work to do and that he wouldn't be participating, actually did end up helping out for the first time.

"seeing the others work so hard to make this show the best they could just ignited something in me, ya know? my henchman made up the story based on something in their world too. makes it kinda difficult to not participate. anyway, you got my full support! what do i need to do? just this once, i'll let you order me around! nyahahaha!!" grim's words, not yuu's.

tears almost beaded up in the corners of yuu's eyes, averting their sight from the dorm leader. "anyway, you cannot help, and that's final. i'll tell the other first years about what's happening and we'll cancel the show. i'll have to trouble you to tell the teachers for us. i'm really sorry about..."

tell me, will you choose life? | twisted wonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now