New Friends

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the next day, Naoka was eating breakfast with her father as usual. She heard him speak to Naoka, "So, i did not know that you had a fan Naoka." she turned to him in surprise. "Huh?" she asked him confused. "I didn't know that you had a fan Naoka. was it a new friend of yours?" "A fan? Me? A fan of me? Why would you think so Dad?" she laughed nervously. "Oh, i forgot that he sent you this letter for you" her dad showed her a piece of paper "It says 'hi' here and that his names Your Adoring Fan!" "Huh?" "Well, i guess he is one of your admirers then?" "What? What are you talking about Dad? I don't know him!" her dad looked at her in confusion "What? You don't? You've met him at least a couple times haven't you?" he questioned. "i gotta go I'm late for school" She stood up immediately without answering him and rushed out the door. He watched as she walked quickly towards school, and then returned his gaze back on to the letter again. "She really doesn't have a fan huh?" he muttered. The Adoring Fan is waiting for Naoka Ueno near her homestead and as soon as he found a Bicycle which is belongs to Naoka and started to learn how to use it but then Naoka Ueno came running through the adoring fan screaming at him. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU IDIOT!!!!?" She screamed as she ran towards him. The Adoring Fan looked startled as she got closer, "huh!? What was that shout for? Are you alright? Oh Hey! It's the grand champion!" "Shut Up!" she yelled and takes the bicycle from him. "Wait a minute! Where are we going?!" He asks in shock. "We are going to school" she says coldly as she rides the bicycle. the adoring fan sat behind her on the bicycle and held tightly onto the girl's waist. "Kyaaa! don't hold me like that!" She squealed as she tried to push him off. Naoka felt embarrassed, embarrassed that she let someone else touch her body like that! "Ow! Let go!!!" she shouted. She kept pushing until she noticed a group of kids staring at her "OKAY THAT'S IT YOU RIDE THE BICYCLE, NOW!" Shouted Naoka . "okay okay, pardon me.." The Adoring Fan obeyed. They were almost at school. The Adoring Fan was shocked because Naoka Ueno didn't push him off the bike. When they got there, Naoka got off the bike and grabbed her bag before walking inside of class. "Good Morning Naoka" greeted Naoka friend, Miyoko. "Morning" she replied in a tired voice as she sat at her desk in her regular seat. "you look awful today" she commented with concern "thanks! Just great!" she retorted sarcastically, still trying to get some sleep. "Are you ok?" asked Miyoko worriedly "Yes, I'm fine, just don't wanna get up yet" said Naoka, trying to hide the fact that she's had a new friend and that she just met the Adoring Fan. The bell rang before any response could be given to her statement. As they walked past each other's desks, Naoka saw that the Adoring Fan was staring at her from the window and gave her a thumbs up. Naoka glared at him and flipped him off as she passed by his desk. The Adoring Fan dont know about what she means but he just laughed at her and waved back at her, showing off his smile to her. "Did you meet someone interesting?" asked Miyoko who sat next to her. She nodded, "yes... he's a little... troublesome though.." she said, scratching the back of her neck. "Really?! How so?""Well.." Naoka began "he seems weird, he says that he was from another world" she explained as she leaned against the table in boredom. Miyoko rolled her eyes "you mean he claims that he's a fictional character but is actually real and living with you? I don't even understand that!" she added in disbelief. "look all i know he's a kid from the Third Era and he calls me a Grand Champion who defeats the Gray Prince. So whatever happened to the Gray Prince and the Grand Champion are two different people. I've never seen them before" she stated simply, still resting her head on her hand. "Then why do you talk with him?" she wondered, looking at her friend "because he said that he's my fan and wants to train with me. I told him no and that I want nothing to do with him, but he insisted that I accept his request so I have no choice". "Wow! Then let him try to train with you then!" she exclaimed happily, clapping her hands together. "i don't think that's a good idea Miyoko, he won't last long and i can barely take care of myself." Naoka stands up and grabs her backpack before putting everything into it. "come on! lets go already! or else you're going to be late!" she shouts. after school, Naoka sees her friend Miki Kawai and her boyfriend Satoshi talking to Adoring Fan outside of school. She waves to Satoshi and goes to greet her friends. "Ah, Naoka Ueno! How are you?" asks Miki Kawai enthusiastically. "Hello, Miki... hey, Satoshi... Hi, Adoring Fan" she greets her friend. Adoring Fan nods his head at her "is this your new friend?" say Miki Kawai, pointing towards the Adoring Fan. "Uh, yeah.. I met him earlier, on my workplace" Naoka explains. "oh by the way Grand Champion do you know what's this means? i see that you were doing gestures at me before school ends" the adoring fan do the flips off gestures to Naoka , causing her to laugh quietly and roll her eyes at him "don't ever do that again, okay? If i knew i wouldn't have reacted like that" she teased him. Miki And Satoshi looks at The Adoring Fan with their eyes wide open "Grand Champion, please tell us who this person is? are they really your friend from the third era?" asks The Adoring Fan to Naoka who rolls her eyes at him. Satoshi laugh at the sight, while Miki stares at the Adoring Fan in confusion. "Umm.. who is this friend of yours..? You never mention him.." she asked. Adoring Fan looks up at him "ah! i'm sorry! My name is Adoring Fan, i was her servant!" he introduced himself and bowed towards the others. "Servant? umm okay?" Miki said as she shrugged to herself, thinking to herself, what does he mean by that? "Anyway, I hope your morning goes well" Satoshi said before turning and walking away with Miki. Adoring Fan watches as Naoka closes her locker and starts to walk towards her bus. "wait up!" he shouts as she starts to walk. "Sorry but i am kind of busy right now" Naoka says in a serious tone."Please, it's important" he says as he stops in front of her. "What do you want?" "can i ride on the bus with you? i'll be quiet" he pleads "what!?" "please!" "fine" Naoka sighs as she picks up the pace to catch up to him. As soon as they got on the bus he sits down beside her. "so, what did you want from me?" she asks irritated. "i want to know what is this town called?" Adoring Fan asks as he leans back into his seat, he crosses his arms and looks at the sky above. "The Third Era" Naoka answers bluntly "well then... if its called The Third Era.... why the structures looks so different?" Adoring Fan exclaims excitedly "why should i trust you?" Naoka asks in disbelief. "Well, I guess I'll explain myself" Adoring Fan said as he looks at her. "Let's go ahead with it then" Naoka replies as she waits patiently. "So Cyrodiil, also known as Cyrod or the Imperial Province for much of its history has been the capital province of three human empires in Tamriel, and is the homeland of the Imperials, as well as Minotaurs. It is situated in the center of Tamriel, and has had a varied climate throughout its history. Cyrodiil is a wealthy and powerful nation and is the center of the Empire." he explained calmly. "Okay.. so what? how do the buildings look different here?" asked Naoka, impatient. "well let's just said there's a weird road sign that written in different language that i dont know" he explains. "so you don't know?" Naoka questioned. "Nope" "well to be honest, this is not third era.. you're in japan kid..." Naoka says in annoyance "oh.." "Yeah" she adds, still annoyed "anyway, i need a job" he said nervously. "and?"Naoka was confused. "And i want to know what the heck happened to the Grand Champion " he responded. "you know i dont care" she replied. "I'm your fan and i need to know what happened to my idol" he said with his hands behind his head. "i'm afraid that i wont help you with that" Naoka answered firmly. "why?" he questions with worry. "fine.... you can stay in my house..." Naoka said, slightly embarrassed.Naoka was in her room, sitting on her bed as she calls Shoya Ishidawith her phone. "hi Ishida... it's me" she replied "hey! what is it, Naoka?!" he says enthusiastically "so um... uhm..." Naoka struggled to find words to describe the Adoring Fan "so.. i met a new person today" she said. "whoa, really??" Shoya asked quickly. "his names Adoring Fan.." Naoka explained "Adoring Fan?" Shoya repeated in shock "what kind of name is that?" "He's just.. different, ok? Anyway, he wants to train me to become a grand champion which is i dont know who that is.." she admitted. "ok.. so.. what's wrong with him?" he asked curiously. "not a thing.. well, he might have some issues because he hasnt seen the light of day for a few years" she replied. "few years?" Shoya asked shocked, "well, yes. His life is quite strange so he doesnt seem normal to me. but he's nice and he teach me some history about Cyrodiil" Naoka explained. "Cyro- what?" Shoya asks, confused. "Cyrodiil, it's the capital city of the Empire" Naoka replies. "never heard of it..." he replied in confusion "its in the third era.. look if you don't believe me , then ask any historian or someone from the imperial city" she adds angrily. "sorry.. i didn't mean to offend you Naoka" he apologized"no matter" Naoka replied indifferently as she hungs up the phone, laying back onto her bed exhausted she thinks that Naoka needs to move on from Shoya because she'll never fall in love again "but i guess i cant help it anymore.." she mumbles to herself. After a while, Naoka gets out of her bedroom and walks down stairs to grab herself something to eat. Once she reaches the bottom floor she hears the voice of her Adoring Fan calling her "hey Naoka!! you need to eat this! this is better than sweet rolls!" Naoka looked up from the kitchen table and saw the adoring fan who was the takoyaki that she made for Shoya. Naoka shocked and says "HEY PUT THAT DOWN THAT FOOD IS FOR MY BOYFRIEND!" "your boyfriend?!? what boyfriend?" Adoring Fan asked. "just put that down!" Naoka repeats angrily. "ohhh~ he must be special" Adoring Fan says. "yes, very special!!" Naoka retorts sarcastically. "well then what do i call you..?" he asks curious. Naoka rolled her eyes "call me Naoka, idiot" she snaps irritably. "Naoka! i am Adoring Fan" he introduced himself once more. "yes i know you already said that!" she snaps back . "so.." he started after a moment of silence between them "do you want to come out and eat with me?? i bet our friends will be glad that we meet each other" he suggests. "NO! i don't want to hang out with anyone except my own boyfriend" Naoka replies. "oh by the way where can i sleep?" "my room upstairs" Naoka answered, pointing towards the stairs. "thanks!!" He chirps happily.

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