#5: -𝚅𝚒𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚗-

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Warnings: Smut yea probably cringe + gentle madeleine (Short chapter coming ahead too) I got inspiration by a book, forgot the author and name

3rd Person Pov.

It was quiet night, a very normal for the people in the caffeine kingdom. The Caffeine kingdom is one of the most quiet Kingdoms in history... And its still is.

The cave was filled with moaning and whimpers, Madeleine was sucking Prince Espresso's neck. Trailing kisses until he reached his nipples and began sucking on it like a snake. Espresso whimpered slightly. Madeleine looked up on him and chuckled. He kissed his nipples again, nibbling it, sucking it and biting it. Espresso moaned quietly. Madeleine looked up, both of the boy's cock are hard, one is thirsty for the hole of the other one and the other eager to shoot their orgasm out of them.

he blonde man kissed the brown haired man directly into the lips pushing his tongue inside his soft lips to the wet mouth, enjoying every single moment of it exploring it. Madeleine looked up into the brown haired man who was a blushing mess, panting and sweat comes out of their forehead.

"Haaagh... sir, i will only put the tip in then... then i'll pull out... alright?" Madeleine said, Espresso didnt reply. Instead, he nodded slowly. Espresso couldnt care less, he was messed up and he admits it. Madeleine unbuckled his pants and pulled out his huge cock, stroking it. He pressed the tip into Espresso's entrance and pushed the tip in, Espresso's back arched, his hand covered his mouth preventing himself from moaning while his cheeks turned pink. He looked down, seeing the huge size of his partners cock; the tip is in and Madeleine's eyes were closed. His cheeks were pink and his body is sweating.

Espresso sighed and closed his eyes waiting for his partner to pull out until he felt something moving inside of him, his eyes widened by the feeling of it. He looked down at the blonde again, his cock is fully inside of him making the blonde pant uncontrollably. Madeleine started thrusting slowly, Espresso moaned by the feeling. Madeleine's thrust suddenly became more intense and fast as each thrust passes. Espresso lets out an uncontrollable soft moans as Madeleine thrusts his cock in and out of him hitting his prostate.

Madeleine gripped Espresso's waist tightly and pushing him hard into his cock. Waves of pleasure hits him as the other moaned loud enough for them to be caught. He continued the rough thrusting abusing Espresso's entrance. The pain Espresso was feeling earlier suddenly disappeared and became waves of pleasure. He thrusts many times as the older man cries out in pleasure, gripping the wood beside them completely crushing his nails. Madeleine looks at Espresso, their eyes met and Espresso saw those blue eyes filled with. He could tell that the younger has been wanting this for too long. He caressed Madeleine's blonde hair and placed a kiss beside his left eye, Madeleine smirked after he pulled away.

Madeleine's grip on Espresso's shoulder became more tighter as he pushed the older in his cock harshly, the young gentleman side of Madeleine had banished, which both of them didnt care. Espresso felt his limit coming, as he gripped into Madeleine's shoulders digging his nails deeper causing it to draw blood. He screamed slightly, "I-im c-coming!" He says, Madeleine didnt response and continues to pleasure himself. Each thrust made Espresso's mind blow up. He couldn't think of anything at this point, Madeleine cock going in and out of him is the only thing on his mind right now. He felt his orgasm coming as he gripped hard on Madeleine's shoulders and finally releasing his orgasm. Madeleine made slow and slight thrust as his partner shoots out his hot liquid.

He waited for a few minutes until he finally thrust inside again. The sound of skin clapping changed, it was now sloppier unlike before. Espresso closed his eyes shut as he moans the youngers name. "Madeleine, Madeleine, Madeleine!" Madeleine gripped Espresso's hair tightly and thrusting into him faster and harder, at that one thrust, he put all his might to fit his whole meat inside of the smaller but older including his balls. Espresso moaned as he felt the hot liquid of the young man shoot inside him filling him up.

Madeleine pulled out of Espresso and smirked, "Sir... I think- i think i ruined you." He said with a slight grin and chuckles. Espresso looked at Madeleine with his watery eyes. Cum leaking out of his ass as he speaks, "I think you need to clean me up..." He said as he fainted. Madeleine chuckled and picked him up to clean him into his house and return the prince into his home.

Herb was watching them from a tree branch looking traumatised as his eyes started to water and sweat comes out of his forehead, he couldnt move and do anything and after that he never went out of his house at night, ever, again.


Yey i finally finished this, also i hope you liked this lol and please bear with me for slow updates (I have many drafts in this book while im also doing the nishiya book lol)

Word count (including this outro): 884

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