Chapter 6: Hostage

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Beta read by Shigiya and Paragon of Awesomeness




--Sainan Park-

A princess, yes he didn't stutter. 

Thanks to his Reinforced vision, Emiya managed to read the lips of their pursuers while he had the opportunity, and boy had he learned a lot from that.

From the moment she appeared, things had just seemed strange to him. Aside from the obvious part of her being an alien with technology so advanced that it was indistinguishable from True Magic in some senses — there was an outlier. 

Specifically, her pursuit.

Not even once did she show any genuine fear for her life or anything of the sort. Lala acted in a completely carefree manner, showing absolutely no signs of dread and anxiety, at most only mild annoyance. Peke showed more genuine fear when he appeared, but even then that fear had been for the sake of Lala's own well-being rather than their current situation. Sure, it was very possible for him to just come up with a crazy theory and let his paranoia get the best of him, but Emiya rarely mistook such cases from his long eons of accumulated experience.

His suspicions grew after seeing the girl's reaction to those two men barging inside his house. Again, not a single ounce of fear was visible in her eyes, as if she knew that they were not going to hurt her. The bowman realized that there could have been a possibility that Lala was hiding some crucial information about these pursuers. 

Not to mention how they actually tried to warm him at the beginning instead of taking him out immediately. They obviously did not want violence and were only there for Lala alone.

"E-Eh, what are you…" the pink-haired girl spoke, being caught off guard by his question.

"Don’t even try to lie to me. I already gave you enough leeway by helping you run away from your so-called captors. If you lie to me again, even if only by omission, then I will leave you here long enough for those two to recover and take you back to your father." Emiya said, his voice somber and as dark as possible. 

He was aiming to intimidate the girl, to make her crumble and reveal everything she was hiding and more. It might have felt wrong to some, but he wouldn't risk his family’s well-being blindly for the sake of someone who had secret agendas. He was trying to distance himself from the Counter Guardian that had regularly killed thousands. But that didn't mean he would revert to his foolish teenage self and blindly save anyone without a word.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you!" She said cheerfully, making him falter as the girl didn't even appear to be affected by his tone. "I'm Lala Satalin Deviluke!"

His eyes began to twitch, "You already introduced yourself." 

"Mou, you're as impatient as Daddy!" Lala mentioned. "Anyways, I came here from a faraway planet called Deviluke…" just like that, she began telling the boy her life story and the reason why she landed on Earth.

The more the retelling of previous events went on, the more Emiya's expression broke down from deadly serious to unbelievable, and then facepalming himself.

This girl couldn't be any more of a headache.

"Alright, let's… back up a bit here. So, you escaped your home world because your father wanted to marry you off to some suitors you did not like…" Honestly, Emiya was waiting for another type of response, like how she was going to get assassinated by jealous siblings or family members who wanted the throne, or her father being abusive and treating his daughter extremely poorly. But given how she cheerfully talked about him initially, he discarded that possibility. "You traveled throughout the galaxy, performed real teleportation to travel a vast distance to my bathtub for some reason… all because of this?" 

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