Chapter 10: Meeting Part 3

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Beta read by Shigiya, Paragon of Awesomeness and Darklord331





"Get yourself a few more hours of sleep when you get back home. I understand that you must study for your exams but you won't learn anything if your health keeps getting weaker by the day."

Back in the infirmary, Ryouko Mikado was in the middle of helping one of the students with their recurring migraines. She noted down his symptoms and the possible cause of his problems — which mostly boiled down to stress and lack of sleep. She wrote a quick note for the boy, telling him to give it to the teacher and go back home to sleep. 

"You can sleep here if you want, there are many beds available." She offered nicely, but was instead met with a furious head shake. 

"I'll be fine, I-I don't need to rest anymore! Anyways, thank you again!" The rumor that the hot nurse liked big and strong men who could tough out whatever ailed them had spread rapidly around the school. The boy knew that if he accepted the nurse’s offer of rest then his chances with her would get crushed to bits. The boy bowed deeply, unable to hide the blush on his face when talking to her. She giggled, already used to the boys’ stares. "I-I'll be sure to follow your advice, but there is no need to sleep here — I can hold on until after school before getting a good nap." 

He slowly walked back out of the infirmary, leaving the buxom brunette all by herself. Despite her attentive attitude with the student, her mind had been elsewhere. The matter of the Princess of Deviluke, Lala's presence on Earth was still on her mind. Given she flew all across the galaxy and settled on this planet to lead a simple life amongst the humans didn't mean she would ignore certain news throughout the galaxy. All of this to flee Solgam and basically continued practicing her passion without working for an organization hellbent on overthrowing the Emperor. Gid Deviluke could be described as a ruthless tyrant who was known to destroy whole planets just to crush those who opposed him, though, if he was in the mood, he would spare them if they submitted to him. Fortunately, she'd never witnessed the Emperor in such an act or else her life would have been long gone. 

From what she gathered from her informants, the Princess was supposed to be in the middle of choosing the perfect suitor to marry. It wasn't a secret that she was less than happy with this arrangement, so it wouldn't be a surprise if Lala decided to run away and ended up here. A backwater planet at the very edge of the empire's reach, where the number of aliens like herself could be counted with her fingers. 

Mikado was not worried about having her identity revealed by Lala's bodyguards or any other alien that might make their way to the planet. She had long since made sure to erase any and all traces of her past life whilst creating a solid background on Earth. Nevertheless, she worried more about Emiya instead.

"The boy will have a lot to deal with." The woman didn't know the particulars of the relationship between him and the princess. Maybe he offered to hide her or gave her shelter? There were many reasons. 

Emiya Yuuki Shirou, or Emiya as he preferred to be called, was one of the few students she conversed with regularly and even enjoyed doing so. Calling him odd would be an understatement — mature was the correct term, though in her experience that in itself was odd for a boy his age. Whenever they talked over a cup of tea during breaks and visits, Mikado had to remind herself many times that she was facing a student and not a man near her age. Just the way he talked and behaved did not match her experience as to how a person his age should. 

There came a point when she grew suspicious and wondered if he was an alien like her, disguising himself as a student. But the medical record didn't lie, not a single trace of forgery coupled with the abundance of evidence that showed his growing up as a human child in Sainan. 

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