Marriage cancelled

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Y/n - My boyfriend.

Taehyung - That's why it is looking so cheap and old.

Y/n - No Mr Kim look it is so pretty.
She said and walk near to him.

Taehyung - Your boyfriend has a very bad choice .

Y/n - Then you must have the good choice.
She held his tie and pulled him towards her.

Suddenly they both heard a voice.

Mr Lee - What is happening here.

They both look at the direction of voice and saw Mr lee is getting inside the room.

Taehyung in his mind - Sh*t what he would be thinking about us. After seeing us in situation.

Mr lee - What have you done?

Taehyung - Sir - Sir I haven't done an..

Mr lee - I know.

Taehyung looked at him with shocked and confused face.

Mr lee - Tell me y/n what have you done?

Y/n - Nothing appa, he came here to return my watch. I just told him my shower is not working and he fixed it.
While doing that he got wet.
Right Mr Kim?
She said while smiling at him.

Taehyung - Yes - Yes sir.

Mr lee - You come with me. I will give you my shirt to wear.

Taehyung - It's ok sir. I am fine.

Mr lee - You might get cold. Just come with me.

Taehyung nodded his head.

Mr lee - And you also Y/n go and dressed up soon.

Y/n - Ok appa.

Taehyung and Mr lee left from there.

After 20mins.

Once taehyung changed his shirt he came downstairs with Mr lee. Soon
Mrs lee and Y/n also came downstairs.

Mrs lee - oh my god are you taehyung.
My best friend's son.

Taehyung - Yes ma'am.

Mrs lee - Come and sit.

She held his wrist and made him sit on a couch.
She settled herself beside taehyung while Y/n and his father sat together on couch across them.

Mrs lee - How are you son?

Taehyung - I am good maam. And you?

Mrs lee - Always chill, like your mother.
She and Y/n started laughing except taehyung and Mr lee.

Mr lee - Have some coffee.

Taehyung - No thanks sir.

Mr lee - Have it you will feel better.

Y/n - I am going to make coffee for you.
She said being very happy and straight went to the kitchen.

Mr lee - So taehyung, you work as a employee with my daughter in kims corporation.

Upon listening to him taehyung looked him with shocked face.

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