My Ex- Boyfriend

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Y/n - He is my ex boyfriend.

Taehyung - What!!!.

Y/n - Yes

Taehyung didn't ask further question.

Y/n - We were not in a long term relationship.

Taehyung - Did I ask you?

Y/n - I know you will not ask me anything.. But I want to tell you everything.

Taehyung - I don't care what you both had before.. All I care is.. Now I have you.

Y/n slightly blushed at his statement.

Y/n - But I want to tell you.. You should know everything about me..

Taehyung - But..

Mr Lee - Let her say son.. I also want to listen her stupidity.

Y/n - Appa!!

Mr Lee - Shut up... And tell everything now .

Y/n - Ok..

She said while making a cry baby face.

Y/n - Me and Jackson were in a relationship for 1....

Beomgyu - For 1 year!!

Y/n - No.

Beomgyu - For 1 Month.

Y/n - No.

Beomgyu - For 1 week.

Y/n - No.

Beomgyu - Then.

Y/n - For...1 day.

Beomgyu - What!!

Y/n - Yes beomgyu.

Beomgyu - But How y/n..i mean 1 day..
I am hearing it for the first time 1 day relationship.

Taehyung - But How is this possibly

Y/n - In our college days.. Jackson was a Hottest and Handsome boy in our college.

She looked at taehyung and saw his expression got changed into cold one.

Taehyung - Hottest and Handsome.

Y/n - Of course he was.. I mean he is still.

Taehyung - I will talk to you about this topic later.

Y/n - Ok..

Beomgyu - Continue.. Please continue y/n.

Y/n - Yeah... So he use to flirt with every girl.. One day he came to me and proposed me... And he told me that he will not flirt with other girls.
I didn't want to break his heart and second I thought he would change and will stop flirting with other girls... But.

Beomgyu - But what y/n.

Taehyung - Why you are getting so desperate to know.

Beomgyu - Sir cause she is my Best friend.

Mr Lee - But you were getting happy when I said I will take her class.
And what you said " Sir don't leave her".

Beomgyu showed him his teeth smile.

Y/n looked at beomgyu and smiled at him.. Cause she got it why beomgyu said that.

Beomgyu - Y/n...continue.

Y/n - Where was I?

Mr Lee - On Earth.

Y/n - Appa!!

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