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The Silence is once again filling the area. The white glow emitted from the multiple crystals is almost intoxicating. The girl rests her hands on her stomach to regulate her breathing. She cannot have a panic attack. Not now. She inspects her injured arm after removing her hazmat shirt, as it's now pulsing with pain. There are multiple scraping wounds and the area surrounding it seems to be a bit swollen. It wouldn't've been a big of a deal if she had the right medical supplies to treat it. Usually she packs extra painkillers and bandages.

Not having many other options, she grabs a knife from her bag. She uses it to cut a chunk of fabric from her already thorn up hazmat pants. This will have to do for now. She uses it patch up the wounds and prevent from anything infectious to get inside.
It's quite difficult for her to do this without making a single sound. Her usual calm and collected state has turned into a sense of nervousness and hopelessness. The girl then quickly covers her ears. A very sharp and rather irritating scraping sound can be heard, as if someone is scraping chalk against a chalkboard. If there is something she can't stand, it would be loud sounds. For her it feels as if someone is stabbing her ears.
She wants it to stop so badly. She grinds her teeth in discomfort, while telling herself to not make a single sound. completely defenseless. Her heartbeat out of control.
Where the hell is everyone? It's like she's completely alone here with the hungry panther, still looking for her in any nook and cranny. Where did her co-workers go? Especially the one guy she works with most. Did he leave without her? He wouldn't do that. She knew him for a while now. He couldn't have.

She needs to find a way to fix the power. This is getting out of hand. She's never done it before, though. She never got the chance since her co-worker always beat her to it. Holding tightly onto her belongings, the girl decides to search for the issue causing this unusually long blackout. Maybe it's more then just a blackout. Could it be a blackout? Or maybe, it could be like the blackout lockdown her co-worker talked about once. That would be a bigger problem. It would mean that she's stuck her for a while longer.
Silently speed walking around the complex, she checks every single power box. Nothing seems to be wrong with most of them. But since this sector is pretty old, they are all connected to each other. If one malfunctions all of them will. Running for a while, she stops after spotting a power box that seemed different from the rest. This one is located in the pool room. The air feels rather humid and damp. Wanting to inspect it further, she steps a few inches closer. Some of the cables seem to have been cut. It's like the person cutting it had a rough time doing so, they were cut unevenly and little bits of rubber were scattered. This could've never been done by scissors. She then spots another interesting detail. The side of the metal box is engraved with scratch marks. It looks like they came from, claws? The creatures roaming around here are far from sentient. The infectious serum or what they usually call 'goo' for short, is made to take over its host, leaving it mostly braindead and unable to think logically like a human. Marks like these couldn't have been done with a knife either. The girl gulps quietly. It looks like that whatever she has to deal with, will be a far greater of a threat then she once though.

'skrrrrt', The same harsh rasping sound from earlier. This time closer and much more painful then before. The girl turns around to look at where it's coming from. In the door frame of one of the pool entrances, it stands. The same pupil-less eyes, the same ears turned right towards her. And this time, it's also gotten a pair of large claws on both its furry paws.

The girl can't help but notice its messy haircut.

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